Say what you want about alpinsporten, but equal is not. It is expensive, time consuming, and relies on parents who drive their children across the country around during the winter months. Already this excluded a large part of humanity from engaging in the sport, and even among the active it is a world of difference between what the bets were and one has the opportunity to implement.

For us, which is after all a part of this circus, however, there is a time of year where we all have one thing in common: the hunt for snow. During the pre-season, in anticipation of the snowfall in the Swedish mountains, crowding both världscupsåkare as the long, slender 12-year-olds on the glaciers which offer skiing already during the autumn months. None of them are located in Sweden so there is about a rich journey.

against Austria and the fabulous Tyrolerlandskapen around the Kaunertal and Pitztal, a neat little trip of 185 miles one way. For the purpose, lend we, Toyota’s new familjebuss Verso to make a real långtest. Our provbil is the extended variation, which measures in at 530 cm instead of standardversionens 495 cm, and is equipped with six kaptensstolar in the leather, which easily can be folded so that the long ski bag can smoothly be loaded into.

the Seats that are easy to trap when the skis to be loaded in. Photo: Hasse Olsson

I and the son take the E4 south from Stockholm at noon with the goal to take us to northern germany for an overnight stay. Toyota goes quiet and comfortable in the Swedish motorvägsfart and the on-board computer shows a consumption of about 0.8 litre/ mile, which is quite decent for a car in this size class. This particular day freshens it in sharply and it quickly becomes obvious that it is a vindkänsligt vehicles we have to do with. Here it is important not to relax at the wheel when the storm bites, which we are brutally reminded of when we roll over the bridge.

When we wake up, we have 102 miles left to the final destination. The idea is that the route will be harvested in virtually non-stop along the Autobahn with only short breaks for food and fueling.

it becomes clear that the journey through Germany will be a different experience than the mile on the Swedish roads. Verson feel great at speeds of over 130 kilometres an hour and the noise level increased massively in the car interior. Consumption also pulls away in the here speeds and 180-hästarsdieseln get to work a lot to keep up with the pace. The acceleration is also not something that impresses when you are trying to do with a relationship before it Betsmove comes to a frantically flashing Merca from behind in the 200 km.

at the same time, you can not help being impressed by comfort of the chairs. A run of 100 miles should include the stiffness and the restless try to swap position behind the steering wheel, but here we are comfortable all the way. Our provbil also has built-in massage but we had just as well have been without, the modest nudges that the summons do not.

the Comfortable chairs in the Executiveversionen of the Toyota Proace Verso. Photo: Hasse Olsson

once you have arrived in Austria waiting for new challenges. To get to the glacier in Kaunertal means 40 minutes of climbing on the small and winding with varied road conditions – open field, and sensommarvärme at the start, drifting snow and temperatures below freezing at the top. We have-free friction tires and manages narrowly to take us up, while the other inexorably stuck and either have to turn down or put on snow chains.

is hardly home for Verson but in moderate speeds can it handle really good both up and down. Here is växelpaddlarna on the steering wheel an extra help to motorbromsa in steep decline.

We turn back home after a week with some extra skiing equipment in the baggage, and a creeping sense of convenience. The comfort of the driving position and the spacious space is easy to get used to. When we finally reach Stockholm shows the trip meter was at almost 420 kilometers and snittförbrukningen lands of 0.95 liters mile. It is not so bad for the considering the size and the high average speed through Germany.

Toyota Verso is simply a pleasant acquaintance, which, with its soft and rocking time is an effective milslukare for anyone looking for a spacious and comfortable car.

Plastic interior, but with all the features on the site. Photo: Hasse Olsson

It is not particularly beautiful to look at, only a japanese designer could love the beauty of this creation, but it is efficiently designed with many windows that provide a good overview. The interior is in plastigaste team but functionally, there is nothing we lack.

It is clear that we would have had all-wheel drive as we climbed up the slippery alpvägarna but for those who do not have such needs anyone good with front-wheel drive. Our provbil costs just over sek 500,000, which is a high price. For those who are content with the shorter model, the smaller engine and manual transmission will be the price tag of a completely different.

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