A “fair offer” would have to – then the FDP would be according to party leader Lindner is ready for a coalition. On the three-king meeting, he took the new CDU leader, Kramp-Karrenbauer and Green-chief Habeck into the visor.

FDP-Chef Christian Lindner has hit his party on the Stuttgart three king once again as a coalition brought a partner into the game. If other parties, the FDP made a “fair offer”, one could assume that the liberal responsibility of inheriting. A Jamaica coalition on the Federal level of the Union, FDP and the Greens failed in November 2017 after week-long negotiations with the liberals.

According to its own information Lindner looks confident on the elections this year. “I’m optimistic, if I on the condition of the FDP in 2019, look,” he said. In the autumn of the Landtag elections in Brandenburg, Thuringia and Saxony. In Bremen, will be elected in may, the same day the European elections.

“May stop this crisis long”

Lindner pointed to a recent survey, according to which his party is at ten percent. Nevertheless, be written of the “crisis of the liberal”. Lindner signed the image of former Party leaders, who viewed the situation from the sky: “have the read and wish that this crisis of the FDP may, if possible, last for a long time.”

In the recent ARD-Deutschland trend, from 14. December, the FDP is eight percent. In the Bundestag election in 2017 you will come to 10.7 percent.

“I’m optimistic,” Christian Lindner said he was with the state of the FDP satisfied.

criticism of Kramp-Karrenbauer and Habeck

The new CDU-Boss Annegret Kramp-karrenbauer, he accused to have, in the past, tax increases required. In addition, he criticised the company’s policy. You’ve called the “marriage for all” in a sentence with incest and polygamy: “This is not only a conservative, even reactionary.” Lindner also appealed against the required social obligation of the year: “There’s a whole year will be nationalized.” Training and work remained, it was “economically foolish.”

Angela Merkel have modernised the CDU’s social policy, which should now be reversed. In addition to the praise for the Ex-CDU-Chef Lindner called for, but Merkel should also give up the chancellorship.

Greens leader Robert Habeck threw Lindner, in spite of the high tax and contribution burden of citizens a guarantee of income in the amount of 30 billion Euro plan to saddle. Solidarity presupposes need, and the one that would take you, would have to quickly return to self-responsibility.