The Caritas calls on the new Parliament, the Confederation and the cantons, Switzerland family supplementary benefits for the prevention of child poverty to enforce. There is a need for a framework law of the Federal government, of this and most of the cantons had so far remained inactive.
the Federal consider That the fight against poverty and the competence transfer alone, the cantons, is not for the Caritas Director Hugo Fasel “acceptable”, as he explained at the Monday speech text according to the media in Bern. The Federal government engaged in the fight against child poverty, unfortunately, “refusal to work”, also criticized Martin wing, head of policy and Public Affairs at Caritas.
A framework law to introduce, according to Fasel supplementary services for families to legally enshrine, for families in the whole of Switzerland, across the Board, the minimum requirements for the design set and the co-financing of services by the Federal government to define.
each class to have a child
In Switzerland, according to Marianne Hochuli, head of the area of basics of Caritas, around 1.7 million children. Of these, around 100’000 are affected by poverty. In every education class, such child seats so, on average. Poverty is more than three were considered at risk even. 70 percent of all children living in poverty are growing, according to Hochuli in Working Poor households.
Other risk factors are conditions in families with flexible work, which were therefore often faced with insurmountable problems. And children of single parents are disproportionately affected by poverty, because the risk is hedged in the case of a divorce is bad.
the Largest group of social assistance,
A third of all social assistance related, in Switzerland, children and young people. They formed the largest group of social assistance. Poverty has, according to Caritas on the CVS of these children. They have lower educational and life opportunities.
At the Federal level has not succeeded so far, unfortunately, the livelihood of families forward, also regretted Hochuli. In the four cantons of Vaud, Geneva, Ticino and Solothurn, have introduced a family Supplement benefits, showed, however, clear positive effects. Poverty rates had declined considerably.
a pioneer of the Canton of Vaud
As an example of Caritas, in particular, of the Canton of Vaud is. There, the benefits will be paid up to adolescence and for the respect of no income from employment or-is required workload, as in the other three cantons of the case.
The other 22 cantons have not adopted the family Supplement benefits, especially for financial reasons. Have shown that significantly fewer families receiving social assistance, if the Canton of supplementary services for families to pay.
Not just a “leftist idea”
supplementary benefits for families are not just a “left idea”, said wing, according to the speech text. This is the fact that the Instrument had been introduced by the cantonal parliaments with bourgeois majorities show. This is liberal social policy.
in Addition to the prevention of family poverty supplementary benefits for families provided the basis for more self-responsibility, better chances on the labour market and higher equal opportunities of those Concerned. In addition, they would also have a preventive character and be more efficient, because the administrative burden is less significant than in the case of social assistance. (sda)
Created: 02.12.2019, 19:09 PM