The state Secretariat for economic Affairs (Seco), has the contributions to the operating costs of the unemployment insurance funds at the beginning of 2019 lowered. Profits, how you were able to find some funds so far, accumulation is not possible.

“The existing flat rate of compensation for the administrative cost was too high,” – quoted by Radio SRF, the Seco in a Thursday broadcast contribution. The authorized quotations are available, the news Agency Keystone-SDA. “Profits in the last few years will no longer be possible,” wrote the Seco.

thanks to the old fee about the unemployment insurance funds of cantons of Aargau and St. Gallen were able to identify every year millions of profits. In Aargau, there were two million, in the Canton of St. Gallen, one and a half million a year.

How much does the Unia loses?

No Numbers in the trade Union Unia, which is affected by the new rules, the most wanted to call. She has received around 45 million Swiss francs from the Federal government. “We expect revenue in the single-digit million range,” said Philipp Müller of the Unia in the radio post.

so Far, the Federal government had supported the 32 unemployment insurance funds with a year to 190 million francs. Last summer, the Swiss Federal audit office (sfao) had identified a savings potential of 50 million Swiss francs in the administration of the unemployment insurance (ALV).

The Seco, the potential savings are not quantified or described it this way: “We expect a significant saving effect.” There is now a clear incentive for cost reduction. Spending for administrative costs would decrease with the new agreement. (fal/sda)

Created: 24.01.2019, 16:14 PM