the end of 2018, lived 1.95 million children under the age of 18 years of Hartz IV – a decline of 3.7 percent compared to the previous year. This Figures of the Federal employment Agency, which has evaluated the Left show.
The number of children, the services lives of Hartz IV, has gone on a media report that back. The editorial network Germany (RND) reports this citing Figures from the Federal employment Agency, the labour market policy spokeswoman for the Left party parliamentary group, Sabine Zimmermann, on the occasion of the International children’s day were evaluated.
the end of 2018, approximately 1.95 million lived, therefore, under 18-year-old children in Hartz-IV-need communities. This was a decrease of 3.7 percent compared to the end of 2017. At that time, the number of children who lived on Hartz IV, had located, and approximately 2,037 million.
Single strong
Particularly affected children affected by lone parents. By the end of 2018, there were reported to be 886.823 children, the Hartz-IV-got benefits and in a household with a parent lived. In Germany, the proportion of children under the age of 18 years receiving state assistance was, at 14.4 percent. In West Germany there were, therefore, 13.5 percent, in East Germany, 18.4 percent.
the conclusion of the light of Bremen
The rates varied from state to state, sometimes considerably. In Schleswig-Holstein, 15.7 percent of children under the age of 18, Hartz IV, in lower Saxony, 15 percent required, therefore, in North Rhine-Westphalia 19 per cent, in Berlin, 28.5 and in Saxony-Anhalt 20.3 percent. In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the value was 17.4 per cent, in Saxony, at 13.5; in Brandenburg, at 13.7 percent. Nationwide, the highest rate was in children under the age of 18 in Bremen, Germany with 32.1 percent.
Left-politician Zimmermann said the RND, for one of the richest countries, it was shameful, “the fact that so many children are affected by financial problems”. Instead of a carefree grow up, got to know these children’s hardships. “The Federal government has to finally present a concept against child poverty”, the member of Parliament.
study on child poverty: A salary every seventh child is not enough Just to Hartz IV instructed 04.04.2018 news Atlas |Germany |Berlin