Gent For the first time the Belgian Centre for guide Dogs as a puppy in an East-Flemish family to be brought up to be. A year long shall the animal in Ledeberg live, and a basisopvoeding. “This brings the dog back to the real training to become a guide dog to begin”, explains Mieke Uyttendaele from. “We are looking for more families who have a puppy.”
The Belgian Centre for guide Dogs is in the province of Limburg, and so were all the puppies in Limburg families placed. “Except there was already one in Flemish-Brabant and Antwerp, but never further. We follow the families that have a puppy, educate on, and support them. Then we will need to get, of course”, explains Mieke Uyttendaele of the Belgian Centre for guide Dogs. “But now we have a supervisor in East-Flanders. For the first time, we can here also have a puppy, let them grow up in a foster home.”