The former glamour model and realitydeltager Kira Eggers have a hard time getting my arms down right at the moment. She has received a job offer that she has not been able to thank no to.

From 8. January she has therefore set itself in værtsstolen at radio NORD FM, where she, along with the comedian Heino Hansen must stand in the forefront of the program’s Morgenshowet with Kira & Heino’, which is sent every morning at six o’clock.

Kira Eggers has long been looking forward to the new job as a radio announcer and a whole new challenge.

– It is all so wild, that I’ve got it here. I had never seen myself in the situation. I have a great entrepreneur spirit. I love to start new things up, and that could affect the projects. Everything that is innovative, new and innovative is just me, and this is a great opportunity to try something new. It is so fat, she says to Ekstra Bladet, and continues:

And then Heino and I really much freedom in the program. It’s about having fun and nice together and we have. I am so happy with it already, so I hope that I get to continue with it long yet.

Kira Eggers pops out now as a radio announcer. Photo: PR-Photo

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Kira Eggers had the first day of the NORTH FM 8. January, and according to her, went the first day on the new job like a charm.

– I think it went well, so I am pleased to get a response on it. It is a pretty rewarding job. You meet to work, and here, you meet lovely people and have conversations with them. The art is the so to do it in a way that is inclusive and not to be too superficial, she says.

According to the previous realitydeltager and nude models are her and Heino already been a solid partnership, and they come very well out of it with each other.

– We have known for some time that we should be the hosts together. So we met in november, and since then we have spent the time to learn to know each other better. Heino is really fun and really sweet, and I have easy to laugh, so we fit really well samnmen. We are having a great time, and at the same time, we disagree on a great many things, and it gives some life to the program.

Kira Eggers is also not in doubt that she is going to be good for the job, when she just had a little time to settle into the new role as the host.

– I am pretty green in here, but I think it is exciting and a great opportunity. I’m really happy that the FM has had me in mind. I think that they have chosen me, because I’m not berøringsangst, and I’m not afraid to say my opinion.

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So you have not been scared away after the first day of work?

– No, I am certainly not. I take constructive feedback, and then I’ll just learn from the others who have been in the industry for many years. The job is also a great opportunity for me in relation to show a more nuanced side of me, that you might not know.

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Although many of Kira Eggers waking hours are now going to be used in the studio on NORTH FM, so does the new job, however, not a good-bye to her work as a personal trainer.

– It keeps the I still. I have my own gym in Copenhagen, the and the I to have. I’ll probably get a little more busy, but it should probably go. We’re also going to talk a lot about training in the radio program, she says with a laugh.