FBI-Deputy McCabe was fired, celebrated US President, Trump this as a “great day for democracy”. Now a book, McCabe’s, the judiciary Committee already for the vortex to appear.

There were chaotic days in may 2017, remembers Andrew McCabe in an Interview with the CBS network. On 9. May had fired US President Donald Trump, the Director of the Federal Bureau of investigation, James Comey, – “because of the Russia thing,” as Trump reasoned it at the time. Leading employees in the FBI, as well as in the Ministry of justice were not only shocked, stressed McCabe. Above all, they feared that Trump wanted to tie up the FBI investigation on the Russia-contacts of his election campaign team.

McCabe was fired last March.

The Deputy Minister of justice, Rod Rosenstein, was so been alerted that he was thinking seriously about whether you can deduct Trump – on the basis of the 25. Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. After that, a President can be deposed due to mental or physical incapacity, if the Vice-President and the majority of the Cabinet agree. McCabe describes the Situation thus:

“The Deputy Minister of justice even offered a recording device to take to the President to secretly record. He was being investigated in the White house never could do this easily. He made no jokes, but was serious and said in our next Meeting.”

Trump sees “traitorous behavior”

Rosenstein, spicy appointed way of Trump, to the Deputy Minister of justice, rejects the statements of McCabe’s. In contrast, McCabe assured, there is for its representation of other witnesses. US President, Trump sees his worst fears confirmed. Via Twitter, he accused both of “traitorous behavior” and spoke of an attempted “illegal coup against the President”.

judiciary Committee alarmed

The Republican Senator and Chairman of the judiciary Committee in the Senate, Lindsey Graham, announced that he was going to force McCabe and Rosenstein, if necessary, with a subpoena to tell the Committee the truth: “The Congress has the task to supervise the Executive branch. I promise you, we will find out in a Hearing, who is telling the truth and what actually happened.”

Matches with the shield of Comey

McCabe’s descriptions of his former boss, Comey will be similar to those.

McCabe’s Statements about the alleged plot against Trump overshadow the other messages in his worth reading book “The threat” – “The threat”. With many of the points McCabe confirmed the descriptions by James Comey in his book “Bigger than the office”. Particularly shocking for the leaders of the FBI and the CIA that Trump many of the subjects of the Russian President Vladimir Putin is trusted more than the own intelligence services, McCabe,. Example of North Korea: “Trump did not believe that North Korea can meet niche rockets in the United States. Because President Putin had assured him that the. ‘No matter what you say I believe Putin’.”

26 hours before Retirement

Trump had McCabe in the last March fire – 26 hours prior to his Retirement, so that McCabe must now abandon significant parts of its Board fired. Trump then spoke on Twitter of a “great day for democracy”. McCabe provides for the independence of the FBI: “the fact That I was fired for 26 hours prior to my Retirement, is an incredibly cold message to all the men and women in the FBI: You could be a target. That worries me much more than the loss of my pension rights.”

Already it is foreseeable that soon, the Deputy Minister of justice, Rod Rosenstein, his Post has. And also the chair of the US secret service coordinator Dan Coats to wiggle. Coats, previously US Ambassador in Germany, is one of the few in the US government who has the guts to talk to Trump.

statements of Ex-FBI Deputy McCabe – the Senate investigates conspiracy against Trump
Martin Ganslmeier, ARD Washington
19.02.2019 00:40 PM

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McCabe to notes about Trump, 17.03.2018 Controversial book by McCabe, M. Ganslmeier, ARD Washington |audio Atlas |USA |Washington D. C.
