Lommel To the Hinneputten in Cemeteries (Lommel) have vermoedeijk wolves in the night from Sunday to Monday again struck. Four sheep were killed.

“When early in the morning we arrived, we found four sheep dead back”, tells the man that the findings did. “One sheep had an injection because the injury is too heavy. Two sheep were attacked and bitten, but they could still be saved.” The Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) came onsite to the conclusions. “We can not yet say with certainty that the damage that is made by wolves”, says Koen Van Muylem.

Who has not taken any measures, such as the building of the electric fence, is at risk

Wolvenkenner Jan Loos

Wolvenkenner Jan Loos of Landscape vzw confirms that the damage could have been from the wolves. “The paw prints are too unclear, but the vraatpatroon could well be right. Wolves are basically no bloody killers, sometimes you see between the wool in the holes of the canine teeth, which the windpipe have dichtgesnoerd.”

“Playtime is over”

Loos gives even aware that the phenomenon in which wolves more sheep kill is known as ‘surplus killing’. “If wolves have the chance to a stock, they can do that. They go there after all of that they will still be able to return to this stock, but in practice, that is with sheep, of course, is not the case, because they are usually quickly cleaned up. It is certainly not true that they kill for the fun of it. Because that is what people quickly.” According to Loos, is the time for sheep farms now really over. “The presence in the North of Limburg is known. Who has not taken any measures, such as the building of the electric fence, is at risk. Of course, we are asking for all sightings continue to be reported through the contact information on Welkomwolf.be.”