The 17-year-old teen Jackson Racicot from Edmonton, Canada has received lots of attention, because he recently at the highly unconventional show hijacked the speaker system at the Walmart and said his job up.

In a longer enetale he told about his reasons to say his job up at Walmart, while customers in the open-mouthed heard his furious words, which ended with the cash conclusion: Fuck the management, fuck the job and fuck Walmart.

But the message was allegedly received in a positive manner by many of the customers. At the end of a video, as Jackson Racicot even have a filmed of its own termination, you can hear the laughter and people cheering on Jackson.

It writes multiple media including the Edmonton Journal and the Daily Mail.

Jackson Racicot has even posted the video where he says up, out on his facebook.

(the article continues under the picture)

Jackson Racicot claims that he has received support from several other employees from Walmart from all regions of Canada. (Photo: Private/Facebook)

The 17-year-old Jackson starts its cancellation-speak in a calm tone:

‘I would like to say to all the customers and to management, that no one ever ought to work for Walmart. Our leaders comes with promises that they never keep. And they love to preach about how much they care about their employees. But a month ago called my immediate boss me ‘waste of time’, and the management did nothing to help me. I have been employed here at Walmart in a year and a half, and I am sick to death of my job and all the crap we are exposed to. Fuck the management, fuck the job and fuck Walmart’.

Jackson Racicot has subsequently stated that he has been contacted by frustrated employees from Walmart from all regions of Canada, who have expressed that they agree with him.