the Victim for both the brutal beatings and the far-reaching, degrading acts were not in any way wanted to be involved in the investigation. It was not he who reported him to the police – notification drawn up by the police after they had taken part of the film on the internet where it has been widely disseminated.
” It was very important that we came in case with this investigation. When this type of crime is committed, society must be clear and put your foot down. No one should get away with this behavior, ” says Mats Lindström, a police inspector.
writes Martin Bresman, prosecutor at the Riksenheten against international and organised crime, that the crime is gross because the offense ”involved the threat that the tangible has been reinforced by the evocation of a våldskapital” and that it was ”particularly reckless” because the event was filmed in order to be disseminated and made available to many.
the Police have not been able to determine exactly how large the spread to the end – but until november 2018, had the clip been viewed several hundred thousand times on various sites online.
belonging to a criminal grouping which have long been in conflict with a competing criminal gang. The victim had a connection to the latter gang. On 8 August met with the three behind the bushes in the Järva district of stockholm.
Where had the victim down on his knees and was then subjected to, among other things, kicks and punches. He was also spotted on, and subject to other – than serious violations – at the same time as he was forced to ask for forgiveness and express themselves in disparaging about himself.
in five minutes at least – so long is in any case the film of which the police later found in a mobile phone were seized. The film has been kept confidential by the police and the courts.
the Police made great efforts to get the victim to participate in the investigation, but without success. You still managed to identify the perpetrators via mobilfilmerna. Secondly, they felt recognized by a number of police officers and, secondly, could you tie several different articles of clothing to the now-accused men.
made of what was said during the beating shown that the perpetrators threatening to kill his victim if he does not pick ”55 salmon” – that is to say, 55.000 sek. Obvious, however, is that the purpose of the beating and the movie is that so far it is possible to violate, and not to kill. The motive is revenge for a previous event.
One of the defendants was sentenced recently by the court of appeal to seven years and four month imprisonment in a large, attention narkotikamål. In it the goal is also the second man indicted, but there is a trial in the district court, when he was arrested later. Both deny the crime.
the Victim is currently serving a yearlong prison sentence for aggravated vapenbrott. He has not in any way participated in the investigation and has indicated that he does not intend to attend the upcoming trial.
Read more: Big dope – and vapenbeslag stopped gängvåldet