The inhabitants in Geneva to control the development of the second largest airport of Switzerland in the future, democratically. The voting population said on Sunday 56,27 per cent ‘ Yes ‘ to a constitutional initiative.

The popular initiative requires that the state shall take into account the air transport policy, economic interests, the environment and the quality of life of local Residents, on an equal footing. The inspection should be carried out by the Grand Council. This should regularly receive a report of the airport Directorate of the medium – and long-term goals information. The cantonal Parliament and therefore the people should get a say.

For the initiators of the development of the airport raises due to air pollution and aircraft noise to health problems. They underlined that have doubled the number of passengers at Geneva airport within 15 years, and in 2030, annual 25 million travelers would be targeted.

counter-proposal crashes

the right-wing majority in the cantonal Parliament and government-supported counter-proposal 54,15 percent of the voting citizens rejected. Economic circles had fought the Initiative vehemently. They feared that such a “corset” would damage the economy and the international Geneva solid. The airport need stability and should not be at the mercy of changing political majorities. Otherwise there is the risk that the international organisations and multinationals would move there. The opponents of the Initiative pointed to the fact that over 50 percent of the gross domestic product of the Canton to be due to the international Geneva. Each year, 4500 of Ministers and heads of state as well as 220’000 delegates with the plane to Geneva would be.

On a strong airport, to be instructed next to the international Geneva, but also the private sector. Thus, games not only for the multinational companies but also for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the whole of Romandie a significant role.

Yes to pesticide-Initiative

The Geneva electorate voted on Sunday about six more templates. It was, among other things, the use of pesticides, animal testing, a housing Initiative and various construction projects. The voting turnout was 36,82 per cent. A clear majority of the Geneva approved a constitutional initiative that limited the use of pesticides in the Canton of strong.

The Yes-vote share was 89,41 per cent. The new provision, which is supported by the government, stipulates that the state promotes economic or technical support to the development of alternative methods for pest control.

No limitation in the case of animal

try A popular initiative that wanted to give the animal protection organisations to have more say in the approval of animal experiments, no, by contrast, failed at the ballot box in a surprisingly clear, with just 64,42 percent of the votes. The initiators were of the view that Geneva is also making use of animal experiments, in part, without connection with the development of a new drug.

The Canton government and the University of Geneva voted against the Initiative. They felt that the current legal framework as sufficient and feared at the time of adoption of the Initiative to the research place.

Tight Yes to housing Initiative

The Initiative “housing for all” of the Left and of the tenants ‘ Association, Asloca was adopted with 50,40 percent. They aim to combat speculation in housing shortage.

The Initiative is anchored to the already usual practice in the law that in times of shortage of housing land when Zoning land in the development zone are fed. In development zones, unlike normal zones, an inspection of the rental and purchase prices by the state.

recount in construction projects

The final results of the two votes on construction projects will only be available on Monday evening. The results were so scarce that the state Chancellery has ordered a recount of the votes.

With 50.01 percent Yes-votes, the voting public approved the Rezoning of 12 acres of agriculture land in the vicinity of the airport well. This corresponds to a difference of only 15 votes. In the commune of Grand-Saconnex, a agricultural zone to be converted to public facilities, offices and football pitches to create.

With 50,06 per cent, of the Geneva rejected a zone change for a construction project of 200 residential units in the centre of Petit-Saconnex. This is equivalent to a difference of 114 votes. In both projects, environmental protection associations had taken the Referendum. (fal/sda)

Created: 24.11.2019, 16:51 PM