a few weeks Ago it looked very bad for Nord Stream 2. The Baltic sea pipeline to bring Russian Gas directly to Germany, came increasingly under pressure to be the Federal government seemed to be isolated. Poland, the Baltic republics and the Ukraine intensified their criticism, the EU Commission torpedoed the project, since it increases their view, Europe’s dependence on Russian gas, the EU Parliament had called for a halt to construction, both bodies have long been calling for a tightening of the Gas Directive, this requirement is also used in France finally closed. The opponents of Nord Stream 2 rejoiced, and the speedy end of the project, as well as the German government predicted a crushing defeat.

But it turned out differently. The Federal government, EU-Commission, European Council and the EU Parliament agreed on the so-called Trialogue procedure in a tightening of the European Gas Directive, what is to prevent Germany had initially, but the consequences for Nord Stream 2, are both Russia and Germany is able to afford.

theoretically, can now Third company to apply for the use of the Pipeline, which will be virtually, however, due to the curve of the tubes is hardly feasible. The required separation of the Pipeline, in turn, between the owner and the supplier could allow Moscow to transfer the ownership rights simply by Gazprom of Rosneft.

in other words: Nord Stream 2 is now definitely built, this time sanctioned by the decisive bodies of the European Union. The enemies look literally in the tubes, Germany has set itself in the essential points. What had happened?

the Federal government was never Isolated

one was apparently matured to the understanding that Nord Stream 2 is certainly not a purely German project. In addition to Wintershall and Uniper also OMV (Austria), Royal Dutch Shell (Netherlands and UK), and Engie (France) are involved. Also Belgium, Greece and Cyprus support the project. Was isolated, the Federal government never.

the Federal government for the change in mood may thank you probably in the case of Richard Grenell, the American Ambassador in Germany. Wrote Amour letters, threatened with sanctions, grumbled and warned with an intensity that shocked many in Europe, both he as well as barriers. At the end of a critic who wanted to get on with Hyper-ventilate fire head of common cause was found. Grenell plated so with his accusations that he drove many Europeans reluctantly and gritting his teeth in the agreement with Germany and against the United States.

this Is a Trend? The gap between the United States and Europe after the election of Donald Trump to be President of the United States is already so deep that as a rule: The more energetic the Trump of Europe calls, the sooner he gets it? A majority of the Germans and the French familiar with Russia and China today, more than the United States. The European politicians need to consider, if you will – even if only partially – with the Trump Camp common thing. The rejection of his “America-first policy” is pronounced and a cross-border basis. Each of the buckling in front of trump’s claims are quickly interpreted as weakness.

nationalism combines also

There are exceptions. The governments of the Visegrad countries feel close to her American Mentor somehow. Nationalism connects, at least as long as one has no competing interests. In the core countries of the European Union, however, good relations with the Trump Administration are considered to be toxic. The self-claiming caused the end, Despite the reaction.

Trump insists that Germany finally met expenditure to the two percent target for the defense? Without the bullies-rhetoric, the more the expenditure could be decided easier. Trump is putting pressure on the Europeans, for their part, the nuclear deal with Iran out? Those who, like the U.S. government, such an agreement, which was supported by all members of the UN security Council plus the EU and Germany, unilaterally terminated, without a Plan, like the Mullah Regime to its nuclear plans held, should not be surprised if the pull is absent of such maneuvers. Who similar unilateral steps, whether it’s the troop withdrawal from Syria or Afghanistan, the duped allies and those countries that are the main affected are the wars of the consequences of the citizens.

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dispute over the Baltic gas Pipeline, France is now against Nord Stream 2

Christoph of Marshal Albrecht Meier, Claudia of salts Frank Herold

in Spite of may be a bad Advisor. Governments must represent primarily the interests of their country. But the thought of a purist. A world of politics of insults and clenched fists, insults, and hurt feelings free. Trump is talking and tweeting like a dictator, has the right to dictate his will. As a result, he produced and reinforced, especially in Europe, many of the problems to fight which he pretends to be.