in addition to the farmers ‘ Union also give staff and trade associations to make recommendations for the Council of States elections. Already a decision of the Board of management of SMEs and industrial Association of the Canton of Zurich (p / e), for a two – ticket with the FDP candidate, Ruedi Noser and CVP candidate Nicole Barandun has taken. Both are members of the trade Association, Barandun is even President of the city’s industry and trade Association.

SVP-candidate Roger Köppel get the p / e ratio is no official Support. “This is not a decision against Köppel, but a Noser and Barandun,” says managing Director Thomas Hess. These two are eminently qualified and would represent the interests of the industry at the best.

p / e recommends eight candidates

In the elections to the national Council of the p / e ratio, recommends eight top candidates from different parties. Of course, the previous national Council member Hans-Ulrich Bigler (FDP) is the Director of the Swiss industry and trade Association. To Nicole Barandun and Joseph return (both CVP), Dieter Kläy and Peter Vollenweider (both FDP) and Jürg Sulser, Jacqueline Hofer and Bruno Walliser (all SVP) to come. They all sit on the Board of the p / e ratio.

To do this, the Association supports around 30 of the bourgeois politicians in support of the 7-points program of the p / e ratio. Roger Köppel is not according to Hess, is also here. The p / e ratio has been around 18’000 members.

contributors list is too short

The Board of Directors of the Zurich chamber of Commerce will also give you a choice recommendation. However, this decision is still pending. The Commercial Association is supported by the Council of States candidates SP-man Daniel Jositsch, the President of the KV Switzerland and Nik Gugger of the EPP.

Jositsch has switches of all the councillor candidates, the longest supporters list. It includes over 400 names. In the case of Ruedi Noser, there are well over 200 names. On the home page of SVP-candidate Köppel such a list was missing until Tuesday evening. It have still a few names on it, was it on request from its Secretariat. On Wednesday evening, the supporters list now switched. It also includes well over 200 names.

Created: 06.08.2019, 23:43 PM