There is not very much fun to see the rockets in the rainy and misty weather. Luckily, it is far from the case on this new year’s eve. The Danish new year is starry throughout the country.

It tells the duty officer meteorologist at DMI Klaus Larsen

– In the northwestern part of the country there will be more clear weather than in the south west, but on the whole it is fine weather to shoot the gunpowder.

– Now flying rockets the generally not so high, so I don’t think there are any places in the country where it is being generated by the weather, says Klaus Larsen.

the Weatherman cautions, however, that nytårsvejret will be marked by a little more than plain windy weather. And it is a good idea to take into consideration, when you fire rockets and gunpowder.

– There will be a part of the wind, so you need to take heed in relation to where the rockets fly. In particular, if there are some flammable things in the vicinity, because they fly a little longer in the wind. It can certainly do.

– We get up to a steady hard wind during the night. So it is a little more than normal. And the wind increases further in the course of the night, but who would you like to be finished with that shoot of at the time, explains Klaus Larsen.

If you are celebrating new year on the islands of Zealand and Bornholm, there will, however, get a little dripping in the early evening, say meterologen. But it is in the margins, says Klaus Larsen.

– The clear weather looks nice out of the whole country to afskydning. In the early evening there may be a little rain, but it is not something that will be tremendously bothersome.

You don’t need to stand and shake the hands of the cold, when firing gunpowder. There will be a nationwide temperature on 5-7 degrees at midnight.

– It will be relatively warm weather, says Klaus Larsen.