one Thinks of Russia, many of the Swiss were the First of the vodka, the Russian national drink, so to speak. The Russians drink hardly more alcohol than the Swiss. And the Kremlin is working to reduce the consumption of alcohol: The minimum age for vodka drinkers, is now 18 years old, should be increased to 21 years. This is the latest step in a whole series of measures against alcoholism, long Russia’s Problem number 1.

Vladimir Putin in 2001, became President, died, the Russian men with an average of 59 years, about 16 years earlier than in Western Europe. The main reason for this is because health experts agreed, was the excessive consumption of alcohol: The more vodka to live, the fewer years, was the simple formula. The Russian women, who drink much less, made it even then, at 72 years old.

a Lot of Russian men hate Gorbachev today fervently for the prohibition of alcohol.

The alcohol was for Russia an old Problem and a tricky one. Already the last President of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev, had identified the vodka as Russia’s worst enemy. In a large-scale anti-alcohol campaign was made of vodka between 1984 and 1987, only against Coupons, and on a litres per capita per month is limited. The result was that the Russians started in great style, to distill it yourself, sugar disappeared almost overnight from the state stores. Many Russian men hate ban on Gorbachev until today fervently for the alcohol.

the largely abstinent Putin turning

Gorbachev’s successor, Boris Yeltsin, who, like many of the high-percentage awarded, came not stood on the position that you touch in Russia the prices for gasoline, bread and vodka better, if you want to bring in any Trouble with the people. But the vodka crisis took on such dimensions that the personally largely abstinent Putin saw the Act forced tens of thousands of mostly young Russian men died poisoning each year just in alcohol. Added to that were the victims of accidents, murders and suicides under the influence of alcohol. Not to mention the long-term health consequences.

the liquor soon 21 years: more and more Russians are drinking beer instead of vodka.

But instead of how to start Gorbachev a large-scale campaign, Putin is the Problem casually. First, alcohol was banned from advertising, then a minimum price for vodka is introduced. Later, the Kremlin ban on Drinking in public spaces, for example, in Parks, and restricted finally, the sale times: The Russian stores, many of which are 24 hours and seven days a week, allowed to sell on the evening and in the night, no more alcohol, and pull the curtains in front of the most extensive shelves with alcohol.

More abstinent Russians as Swiss

Over the years, changed the drinking behavior. In the past, most Russians drinking vodka. They did the not every day, maybe once a week or even less frequently, but often to the point of unconsciousness. Today, vodka accounts for only 39 per cent of alcohol consumption, beer is now just as popular. The advantage is obvious: “It is physically impossible to take with a beer in so short a time so much alcohol like vodka,” says a Russian health expert.

all of This has led to that Russian alcohol consumption has fallen in the last few years by over a third. The WHO calculates in its latest report, Russia is 11.7 litres of pure alcohol per year, for Switzerland is 11.5. In the European section of Russia is now on 17th place. Most of the Moldovans drink more than 15 litres, followed by Lithuania, Czech Republic and Germany. Over 40 percent of Russians have stirred for the last 12 months no alcohol in Switzerland is 18 percent, in Luxembourg, only 8 per cent.

From the very high abstinence rate for the last big Problem in the fight against the alcohol comes to the Kremlin: Those of the Russians, the drink, the drink is still too much. This has improved in some, especially rural and neglected regions that the Situation very little. But all over the country and seen the positive effect is clear at first glance: The Russian men are, on average, 66 years old, women 77. And a large part of Russians is ready to support the fight against the old plague to move on: Almost 80 percent, to increase the minimum age for vodka to 21 years. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 19.12.2018, 06:58 PM