Flanders becomes more and more numerous: in 2016, it was a whopping 33 percent of the Flemish territory, or more than 450,000 acres in occupied space. This is evident from the youngest figures of the Department of Environment of the Flemish government. In three years time, there are 7,000 hectares of additional seized. That corresponds to about 6.4 acres per day, or thirteen football fields. Especially the housing increased.

Residential buildings, including gardens, take in Flanders is already about 39 percent of the total utilization of space. Between 2013 and 2016, there came a day around 4.1 ha, or about 4,500 acres in total, which is more than half of the new seized.

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secondary roads and railways (18 percent), that between 2013 and 2016, growing by about 1 hectare per day. After that there are areas for industrial and commercial purposes (13 per cent). Ten percent of the land in Flanders is to other built areas, such as churches or monuments, and 11 percent for car parks, public squares or vacant lots. About 6.5 percent of the land consists of land for recreational purposes (parks, sports grounds, etc.), while the agriculture, 2 percent to take.

In 55 municipalities in Flanders is even more than half of the space is ‘cultivated’. That is of course the case for metropolitan areas in and around Antwerp, Ghent and Brussels. But the so-called “villagemeenten’ as Sint-Martens-Latem Keerbergen are in this list. Also municipalities with a lot of industrial sites (Olen, Willebroek, Izegem, …) have large land requirements, as municipalities with many conservatory-infrastructure such as Sint-Katelijne-Waver and Duffel.

The church with the least amount of space it requires and so the most extensive open space in Flanders is Zuienkerke (0-10 percent). Also several West-Flemish (Damme, Vleteren, Langemark-Poelkapelle, Hills, …) and municipalities in Limburg (Feeding, Spiere-Helkijn, Meeuwen-Gruitrode, …) and even Gooik, Hoegaarden or Kortenaken, in Flemish Brabant with 10 to 20 per cent land is still very rural.