in Front of the Zurich town hall moves a Hand into the air, a young, pale man’s hand. “Climate-not-stand-now!” chanted the man, pointing his finger to the beat in the direction of the town hall. “Climate-not-stand-now!”, “Climate-not-stand-now!” is a fall of around 80 young people, shortly before the beginning of the Sitting of the Parliament trellis. You do it out loud, impetuous and joyful. At the top of the Council chamber you can hear other than the message.

It is only an intermediate stop. The young people are marching by the Thousands through the cities and are marching today Saturday. Some of them are still marching through the city and cantonal parliaments, by the whole Association, and administrative hierarchies up to Bern to the Federal house. A marched years ago, even from the street up to the Federal Council – room of the ‘ 68 Moritz Leuenberger.

The climate movement is not politicised a Generation, she is also a school. And those who learn the lessons it can bring, such as Leuenberger. “Mega many people in us are just learning mega a lot,” said Nadia Kuhn, a high school student and Co-President of the Zurich Juso. You said it the day before with two dozen young people behind a long and Transparent, it can raise and lower, and lower, and call is: “Ufe with de climate target, with abe with em CO2.” Kuhn worked for the movement in the social media. As you said, make everyone in the movement, what he was doing – and at the best could.

“The table d response uf eui policy!”

Some are already doing it brilliantly: they are and give clarified Interviews; discuss with senior politicians and let her Know cold emergence; they swear at Demos, your comrades-in-arms, until the fire kindled for their cause in the whole heap; and you have to negotiate with your rector, how could he punish them for more than school hours. In their chants they explain it this way: “strike i dä Schuel! Strike i dä factory! The table d’ answer uf eui policy!”

Nadia Kuhn sits in the cafe with a Chai Latte with almond milk. The meat you eat is already long no more, now you want to ease up on their milk consumption. She seems shy than in the photos on the Internet, younger than you, more 16 than 21. She speaks quickly, and if you listen, it lifts and sometimes the hands beside the ears and by flapping them – like the climate-strikers do during your discussions.

What she has learned? When she joined four years ago, the Juso, she says, have you dared, hardly, to a meeting to stand up and talk. Today, the television camera Interviews there in front of you, you discussed in radio studios, leads discussions, argued, questioned, contacted. She says that she was connected to the movement, and many great people met. And what has you convinced today about the climate white, apparently also her little brother. Anyway, today with his friends on the Playground discussing whether eating meat can be ethical.

“Mega many people in us mega learning a lot.”Nadia Kuhn, a high school student and Co-President of the Zurich Juso

“A movement is like an apprenticeship for a political mandate,” says political scientist Michael Hermann. Young people, in whom the Talent for the Politicise was created, it could discover in a move, and develop. They might even be the natural leader. In the case of the members of the 68 movement, the Pimp and narcissist, who were first and foremost, it has often been. However, this type of have used, believes Hermann. “Anyone who wants to come, it must not be cut in. Only if you act empathetic, to be accepted.”

“It’s crazy!”, it comes from Nadia Kuhn in the Café. In the movement many of the people discussed with each other, however, the tone be respectful of the handling appreciative. This is not, of course, because the movement is not nearly as unanimous as it may seem. The young do not fall into each other, but to the word. They flap their hands if they support a vote or cross the arms in front of chest, if you are of a different opinion. So, as it is in the municipalities in the ‘ 70s, it was already done. Anyone who has once learned, as Kuhn observed in himself, which makes it in the circle of friends is no different. And so the rumbling sound could be displaced in the debates by the objective gesture of the young.Also Balthasar Glättli has started on the road. As a 23-Year-old, he organized attempts its first Big demonstration in Bern against France’s atomic, and later blocked roads and orchestrated the movement against the war in Iraq. Today, he draws as a national councillor and party President of the Green party in the Federal house of threads – and is still on the road.

The Demo as an experience

What he learned in the school of Moving? The 47-Year-old holds demonstrations for the Central Element of a movement – in spite of Social Media and digitization. “It is quite another, if one stands with his body for something, as in the Internet a Petition to sign.” A Demo is an experience, it the sweat of the Marchers, and feed a movement. For him, the Green in the minority, it is important to feel that I am not alone with my opinion – we are many.

The danger for the movement to sleep after the first disappointments. The boys on the street call out: “What do we want? Climate justice! When do we want it? Now!” But if you want everything immediately, you have to arm yourself against disappointments, Glättli: “It is this need of urgency. But it also needs a long breath.”

the 62-year-old Christine Goll was worn by a motion to the Federal house. The trade unionist and feminist, was there when the young people captured in the course of the 80s riots, the Zurich law firm school house. There, the “Wyberrat”, a quasi-Parliament, the women’s organisations met later. He called the movement “women power politics!”. In 1991, Goll was elected right away to the national Council.

If Bourgeois to go on the road, then you are mostly right.

Some climate activists don’t want to represent their demands in Parliament – hopeless. Goll says: “Without interfering in the political institutions will not achieve anything.” There is a need for but also the pressure of the road – and sometimes the anger against the System. Even today, a lot of cardboard to be re-worn cardboard boxes through the streets, and some of them are: “System change not climate change.”

Political movements are a mad stoffkur for the policy: you can shake an entire Generation, you schools and inspire you. However, the oxygen flows are often one-sided and the Left – most of those who are not involved in the Power going to the street and protest.

If Bourgeois is to go on the road, then you are mostly right. In 1992, it drove a lot of men and women from the rural Milieu, on the road, with the roar of cow bells, and Transparent, like “Save Switzerland! The EEA, no!” Also the later SVP national councillor Toni Brunner became the activists. He and some colleagues founded the “Eastern Swiss youth Committee against joining the EEA”. You organized such an event, every visitor had to say, which is why he is against the accession.

“The youth managed to give the environmental protection in the shortest possible time, an emergency.”Michael Hermann, political scientist

Brunner, who was then attended an agricultural school, so many classmates to accompany him, that he had to hire two Coaches. “This vote has me shaken, politically, finally awake, almost electrified,” said the 44-Year-old to his biographers, the Tamedia journalists Beni Gafner.

What remains of the climate movement? This is also observed political scientist Michael Hermann; unlike the earlier movements, she brings not a new issue. “The young people have managed to give the protection of the environment in the shortest possible time, an emergency,” he says. And you have contributed to the fact that in several cantons the power of the street came to the polls. Thus, the subject will also gain in the policy is important.

The big question is, whether in the autumn force is present which could be transported to the ballot box. If Yes, could arrive, Nadia Kuhn soon in the Federal house. She wants to March and is running for the national Council.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 05.04.2019, 21:57 PM