Mr. Ogi, the first woman Head of the VBS. How would you comment on this?
In France, a woman the defense Department in Germany and now in Switzerland. No Problem. The Federal councillor, who takes over the Department, but must indicate from the beginning that she is called to take on this task. And you need to make it clear: I’m the Boss.

On Friday, the Federal Council has postponed the Department of distribution because no one wanted to have the VBS, her former Department.
It makes me sad that the estimates of this Department is so low. And it is also completely wrong – the VBS is a great Department! As the head you have to want to, but You have to want to lead, you want to decide, and you have to love dealing with the generals.

you are not gone but they were also voluntary in the former EMD.
So, that’s stupid. That’s not true, I want to say here. You urged me to do so. When I came into the Federal Council, before I was only the Eved, the current Detec Doris Leuthard. I was successful, keywords Nrla, rail 2000, S-Bahn train or by car. After eight years, I wanted to make something else. Interestingly, the EMD was for me, too, because it has given him the sports and the protection of the population.

What did you like most?
You could make a difference: I said during the Kosovo war, I want to build with three Super Pumas, an air bridge, to be able to injured to Albania to fly. I said, I want to implement a athlete recruit school in Magglingen, and a partnership for peace – one of the best treaties that Switzerland has ever completed. I put the whole thing through.

Since the end of the Cold war, the VBS has lost in importance, not only in the Federal Council.
That’s not true. The challenges today are large, if you look at the international situation. The insecurity is on the rise around the world and in Switzerland, the popularity has grown to the army. Switzerland is neither EU nor Nato member, it must now prove that it takes security seriously, and that it has a strong army and independently. And besides: Who needs it, when it comes to in the mountains to a rock fall, or when in Davos, the WEF is carried out? Without an army you could forget the WEF. Especially when people like Donald Trump or Kim Jong-announce un.

The defense Department is vulnerable and probably, therefore, under the Federal councils is very popular. It was repeatedly in the headlines, most recently because of an expenses scandal.
As I have taken on the EMD, I was also confronted with problems. But I’ve solved them, obviously, so to prevent scandals.

you Would have to upgrade the VBS, so that is it for members of the more attractive? For example, by transferring him to Offices of other departments?
Well, it’s been a while since I heard the Federal Council – I was elected on the very day 31 years ago in the state government. However, the Federal Council should actually discuss whether the balance between the Departments is yet to be given, whether they are clearly structured and traceable. Not the prestige of thinking may be crucial.

observers say, it would have to make more of the VBS. Above all, the security policy would offer.
Yes, that’s true. I said as a Department head, I want to go with our soldiers to Sarajevo and to contribute to the stability of the countries of the former Yugoslavia. So I called the yellow hats. In VBS you have many design options – but you have to use it. You have to be a designer and not an administrator. When I came into the Federal Council, you have ridiculed me. But I am a strong person and lead with all the consequences.

you speak in front of all of the advantages of their former departments. What are the disadvantages?
If you go to it with joy and enthusiasm to his work, then you want to solve problems. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 10.12.2018, 16:29 PM