“Jordanian politicians want to stop child marriage”

“Near the 10 500 girls in Jordan were married before their 18th birthday in 2017, according to Unicef.”

“It wants the jordanian politician Wafa Bani Mustafa to change.”

“Wafa Bani Mustafa was the driving force in that Jordan took away a loophole in the law regarding rape. Earlier could a rapist exonerated if he married his victim. Now take Bani Mustafa on child marriage.”

“In the Jordan is the boundary of marriage of 18 years. But the law has an exception – after a judge’s approval you can marry when you are 15 years old. Wafa Bani Mustafa says that if you raise the limit to 16 years of age so will the number of child marriage to decrease.”

“If you are not old enough to vote or drive a car – how can you start a family,” she says, one of only 20 women in the Jordanian house of representatives about 130 people.”

“– We must first change the culture by raising undantagsåldern to 16. In the long term, it may be the first step to the age of 18 years shall apply without any exception, ” says Wafa Bani Mustafa.”

“Jordan has restrictions on child marriage – it may be an age difference of a maximum of 15 years and a requirement is that the girls should be allowed to continue to educate themselves. However, according to Wafa Bani Mustafa are not complied with those requirements.”

“Globally, included 12 million girls under the age of 18 years marriage each year, according to the organization Girls note brides.”