In the analysis, they are unanimous. But the solution is different for everyone. The media have moved to the Internet, traditional advertising is disappearing, journalism can be bad Finance. Ergo, he, too, disappears. At least the classic, oriented to traditional standards of quality.

in addition, the range of reading in bloom fabrics, and also the number of publicists in a broad sense is increasing. But how is the audience supposed to differentiate between the journalism that claims to be independently informed, the Public obliged, and the others – some call it “para-journalism” – that you could also as advertising be described?

“dilution of the profession”

The Swiss Federal media Commission (Emek), the Jarren headed by media Professor Otfried for the past six years, the Federal Council advises,has made these days proposals to give talk. Under the title “support for the journalism” proposes the Emek about a certification of journalists, as a kind of Label for journalistic products. A new professional register the Commission deems appropriate.

The creeping loss of “mediation monopoly” lead to a dilution of the profession, it is said in the 19-page paper of the Emek. The weakness of the distinctness of journalistic and para-journalistic services. In addition, should accelerate according to the Emek all of the actors in the Media debate. “Media companies and every single journalist, every single Journalist have it in Hand, to emphasize through their work, exemplary performance and relevance of journalism.”

“Who decides on the award of the label?”Roger Blum, a media scientist

This, however, could be tricky, because journalists are not allowed to inform interest-led, not even in a good, and certainly not in their own right. “Campaigns can lead the journalistic associations, not the editors,” says media scientist Roger Blum. He doubts the feasibility of the proposals.

The journalism have a craft page, but also an artistic, says Blum, who worked previously at the University of Bern. The occupational definition must therefore remain free, or at least so flexible that newcomers are allowed to continue. An exclusion would be a depletion, he says. In addition, a standardized training should not be organized, if at all, by the state, because journalism must, by Definition, be state is critical.

it would be Difficult to the Labeling of media or media houses, says Blum. “Who decides on the award of the label? And it would be revoked, if a newspaper is used to etch the rules or infringe against them, what well-known media do sometimes?” In the case of a product in the supermarket labelling is not possible, says Blum. “But journalism is every day different.”

media should work transparently

Blum recommends instead that the media should report on their functioning. In the report itself, or in designated vessels. They should make transparent how they work. The same Nick Lüthi, editor-in-chief of the “media week says”. Editors should have taken to inform media regularly about how their contributions come about, and why you what are the editorial Decisions, whether stakeholders are involved or not.

“Paid content must now be characterized,” says Lüthi. “The same should also draw on the independent journalism, as such, is characteristic. Each post could contain, for example, a short note. This would strengthen the journalism.” Every Medium should do it for themselves, it need not generally applicable requirements.

“independent journalism should be identified as such identification.”Nick Lüthi, editor-in-chief “media week”

A labelling for journalists there already, says Lüthi, the professional register (BR), with the few journalists still decorate. In his view, but rather an internal effect for the industry, as it is perceived by the audience.

In the analysis, the experts agree. Also Urs Saxer, the media lawyer, and lawyer who holds the proposals by the media Commission for “well-intentioned”, but hardly effective, it shall notify the findings to the Situation in the Emek-paper. Also, the interest-based communication can give attributes such as “independent”, with good Storytelling and high-quality photography, the readership appeal. The distinctness between traditional journalism and all other forms of journalism is for readers hardly possible.

Public debate and critical reflection

Philipp Cueni, media journalist and the founder of the “Edito”, welcomes the proposals of the Emek. They strengthened the journalism and the “absolutely the right approach, therefore, be”. The journalism needs to be strengthened in society. For this, there is a need for a public debate and a critical reflection.

proposals such as Labels or certification of the professional and individual titles are worth considering, says Cueni. It is a matter of “para-journalism” to differentiate. The industry and even to some extent professional associations opposed it, not understand it. The Argument that the state should take on this task, don’t be a Killer and bogus argument, because there is a need for the state not necessarily.

He was watching on the basis of the first reactions of a certain degree of “structural conservatism”, says Philipp Cueni, which he assessed as counterproductive.

Created: 29.11.2019, 11:35 PM