the Court in Glostrup (EKSTRA BLADET): Natascha Colding-Olsen – better known as Kundbypigen – has once again sat on the dock. This time, she was accused of having threatened his former mentor and teacher Christian Kaad on life.

She was this afternoon sentenced to 40 days in prison.

Wearing a red hoodie, light cargo pants, beige-colored sneakers and a gold watch came Natascha Colding-Olsen flanked by police into the court and took his seat at the witness box. About life she had a black fikseringsbælte. She smiled easily and nodded to his family in the public gallery.

I was angry and disappointed that he mentioned me in the media. Then responded I, in affect, said Natascha Colding-Olsen, with reference to the threat to the Christian Kaad, where she, in a telephone conversation said:

‘do you Have a bulletproof vest?’ followed by: ‘So, I think that you ought to buy one of security reasons’.

– I would like to go ahead in my life, and it is not to he mention me in the media, she added in court.

She leaned back in the chair and placed each elbow on the albuestøtterne, while the judge asked whether it is correct that there is a tilståelsessag.

– Yes, said Natascha Colding-Olsen and nodded.

senior prosecutor Rasmus Skip-Petersen presented his arguments for why he thought that Natascha Colding-Olsen was sentenced to 60 days in jail for the threat, which defends Mette Grith Stage pointed out, to a penalty of between 20 and 30 days in jail was more appropriate.

– Defendants Natascha Colding-Olsen punishable with imprisonment for 40 days, and defendants shall pay the costs of said judgment.

the Threat was made from Herstedvester Prison, where she is serving a sentence of eight years in prison for the attempt on terror and the legemesangreb of the particular crude, brutal or dangerous character.

In January 2016, was the then just 15-year-old Natascha Colding-Olsen arrested for planning to bomb his own former school, Sydskolen in Fårevejle, and the jewish Carolineskolen in Copenhagen.

Also here played Christian Kaad a central role, as he is before the arrest recorded a conversation between him and Natascha Colding-Olsen. The recording was later used as evidence in the case.

Up to the arrest had Natascha Colding-Olsen, in his mother’s basement tried to mix the explosive TATP, which is a used means of terror.

It is sown during the terrorist attack in Paris in november 2015, where 130 people were killed and 433 were wounded. Here bar all the eight terrorists TATP under bombevestene.

Also, it was TATP, which jumped from the hands of the bomber Lors Doukaev in 2010, at Hotel Jørgensen in Copenhagen.

TATP is also known under the name of ‘Satan’s mother’, as it is considered to be extremely unstable.

During the summer of 2018 took Natascha Colding-Olsen’s mother and defender Mette Grith Stage in contact with the former mentor and teacher Christian Kaad. He tells this to Radio 24syv.

According to Christian Kaad, it was here made clear that Natascha Colding-Olsen had missed snakkene between the two, and to Natascha Colding-Olsen, Christian, Kaads help would move in the right direction.

After months of dialogue with the Probation eventually managed to get established a telephone contact from Natascha Colding-Olsen and Christian Kaad, and thus, it was during one of the conversations that Natascha Colding-Olsen threatened his former mentor.

even before the new trial against Kundby-the girl said defender Mette Grith Stage, that her client ‘pleaded guilty’ and that she was ’terribly sorry’.

– What is your reaction to the verdict?

I am fine happy with the result. I had procederet that my client should have 20 to 30 days in jail, and the prosecutor went after the 60 days. I think that the judge came with a very reasonable explanation for why she landed on the 40, and it was a judgment, as my client himself was content with.

– How has your client?

– She is really just pleased that the case is over, and she also seems though, that it is fair enough that she has been here 40 days. Now she can hopefully move on, for her whole afsoningsforløb have been put on standby. She has not had the opportunity accompanied the end of the year, and she has had very limited freedoms in the prison. Now, she hopes that there may be a little more in relation to his sentence.