once again, president Trump proved that he is everything else than boring. In the prelude to his second “State of the union”speech he has promised that “something will happen after the speech”, has been in harnisk under a forberedelsesmøte and shared the nickname “Teflon Donald”.

In the speech – in which he summarizes the year that has passed, and tell us where the way goes further – it is expected that he will take up themes such as Mexico, the wall and the upcoming meeting with Kim Jong-un.

the Speech started at 03: 00 on the night of Wednesday, and you can see it directly on the Newspaper.

Last year’s speech: Indirect stab to the Norway state of Emergency

During a press conference on Monday, he was asked if he also expects to declare a national emergency to push through a budsjettavtale.

– I don’t want to comment on that, but you get to hear the speech also, you get to see what happens just after, he said, according to CNN and added that “to declare a state of emergency will help the process”.

As is well known, requires Trump 40 billion to the funding of the wall, something that recently led the nation into a 35-day-long “shutdown”. At the end of January, however, was agreement on a temporary budsjettavtale that lasts up to 15. February.

Listen carefully

I think there are good chances that we are going to declare a national emergency, but we will at the same time build a wall. We build a lot of walls, but I can do it much faster on the other way, he said, and added:

– Well, I say you must listen carefully during the speech my. I think you will be very entertained.

Trumps the calendar turns heads Langet out

Tuesday, Norwegian time, met with Trump a forberedelsesmøte along with 20 republicans who are tight on Trump administration. But suddenly he shall have held a five-minute-long heated monologue, according to North.

After having greeted several supporters in the room, langet he out against governor Ralph Northams recent statements about seinaborter, informs the sources of the newspaper.

Northam is a democrat and the governor of the state of Virginia, and in the last week supported a directive for more liberal legislation around seinaborter by complications during pregnancy or serious birth defects in fetuses.

Will paint the wall black

the Comments were met with great outrage, according to CNN.

“In the company of more conservative figures, marveling Trump about elected officials really included already born infants as a part of the debate about seinaborter. Monologue left the meeting attendees with the impression that Trump looked at Northams comments as outrageous, and the situation in which the governor described as side-by-side with murder,” writes the newspaper.

During the same meeting, shall Trump have also proposed to paint the parts of Mexico-the wall black in order to deter illegal immigrants from crossing the border.

“Teflon Donald”

The latest in a series of extraordinary events in advance of the speech, a Twitter message, Trump published just hours before the speech.

– Looking forward to tonight! he wrote and added a screenshot where he apparently makes fun of the fact that he was called “Teflon Donald” in a North-article.

Excerpts from speech

– Members of Congress, the state is strong, ” says Trump.

Donald Trump is renowned astronaut Buzz Aldrin, which is present as a spectator.

– In 2019 we celebrate that it is 50 years since the brave, young pilots flew a quarter of a million miles out in space in order to plant the american flag on the moon. Half a century later, we have been joined by one of the Apollo 11-astronauts who planted the flag Buzz Aldrin.

Trump also speaks to deny the politics that contain revenge, resistance and punishment.

– We must refuse the politics of revenge, resistance and punishment, and embrace the infinite potential of cooperation, compromise and shared benefits.

Mexico-the wall

Trump says that both Democrats and Republicans must work together to confront a “hastende national crisis”.

the Congress has ten days left to agree on a budsjettavtale which will fund government, protect our homeland and secure the border.

Trump administration’s proposal to Congress includes humanitarian assistance, more police forces, narcotics detectors at the border, the closure of loopholes that allow for the trafficking of children and the plans for a wall that will secure the border, ” says Trump.

In the past have several in this room voted for a wall, but a real wall was never built. I will get it built!


Furthermore, praises his work with the diplomatic cooperation on Koreahalvøya.

– Our hostages have come home, the testing of nuclear weapons has stopped and it has not been fired a missile at 15 months, ” says Trump, and follow-up:

If I had not been elected president, we would have been in a gigantic war with North Korea right now, with potentially millions of people killed, ” he says and informs that he will meet Kim Jong-un the 27 or 28 February in Vietnam.

The most serious is not that Trump is the laziest president Comment