“Great herointillslag in Sri Lanka”

“sri lankan police have beslagit 300 kilos of heroin in a crackdown in the two cars. The raid took place in a parking lot outside a shopping center in the Sri Lankan capital of Colombo on Saturday evening.”

“– Heroin low bundled in 272 plastic bags and was ready for distribution, ” says Ruwan Gunasekera, a spokesperson at the sri lankan police.”

“Two people were arrested at the raid, which is the largest herointillslag ever in Sri Lanka. According to the police, have the heroin to a value of the equivalent of nearly 160 million.”

“the Police are now investigating how the drugs came into the country.”

“It is not the first crackdown of drugs in Sri Lanka of this kind. In december 2016, the police confiscated 800 kilograms of cocaine at a crackdown, and 2013 found the police 260 kilos of heroin in the tractors which were imported from Pakistan.”