GLP has won at the last Sunday of 5.3 per cent voters ‘ interests, the Greens have made 4.7 percent forward. Where did the additional voices? Political analyst Peter Moser Statistical office of the Canton of Zurich has questioned its data and first explanations found. The GLP received a lot of votes from former FDP and BDP voters. “The green liberals have there places, where the FDP has greatly lost,” he says. This was, for example, in the radical strongholds of the gold coast and at the Zurich mountain. Or in communities like Zurich or Venice. The GLP has scored, where incomes are strong people.
Two effects for the Green
benefited The Greens of two effects: on the one Hand, they received more votes from people who want to switch regularly between the SP and the Greens. According to Moser functioning of the parties of the left such as “communicating vessels”. Their close relationship is also observed in the panaschier statistics. The SP lost still, barely, has the same reason as the second effect in favour of the Greens: In those areas where the Left is strong, increased the turnout is above average. This was in almost all of the city’s circles of the case, out of the more bourgeois circles, 9, 11, and 12.
at the same time, Zurich’s population grew. In the city, many well-educated in Switzerland, moved inside, and Swiss, which are politically on the left and like to choose to go. Similar for Winterthur to say. In short: The Left benefited from the strong net in-migration in the centres.
SVP-statement is wrong
This phenomenon also explains the 5,6-per-cent loss of the SVP. “When a group becomes larger, and other parties selected as the SVP, less left,” says Peter Moser. The favorite explanation of the lack of mobilization, the heads of some of the SVP-Exponent puts it into perspective. The let not data show. Because there, where the SVP have lost the most was the turnout is not systematically lower than in 2015.
in Addition, has lost in the SVP is strongest in the Agglomeration, for example in the Limmat valley in Zurich-North. There Analog is seen in the major cities: well-educated, left-thinking people to consider – maybe also because you can not afford an apartment in Zurich Kreis 6. You settle in the new settlements in the Opfiker smooth Park, or in the Dietiker Limmat field. Just there, the SVP big voters has suffered losses. “The Agglo is urban, is the use of the green, liberal and Green, and is detrimental to the SVP,” says Moser.
He has not analyzed the data for the councillor elections. So much, I would say: The increase in the absolute number of people that think the left and actually choose to go, took the Green, Martin Neukom, who was surprisingly elected, as well as the SP-Magistratin Jacqueline Fehr, which is in 2nd place behind SP-summit striker Mario Fehr conquered.
Created: 27.03.2019, 21:28 PM