flights are cancelled, trains are stopped, schools are closed: The ice in large parts of the USA has cold in the handle and calls people to life.
In the USA has developed a Tradition: Because in many Parts of the United States in the case of extreme school cold fails, come to school Directors to new ideas, families, and children to inform about it.
extra-large success, currently has a Video from the school district Swartz Creek, Michigan, in the school principal in a cover version of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” for their students.
Icy Wind and minus 31 degrees
In the U.S. state of Illinois had to save the police, 21 people were left with a Bus on the Highway. In the diesel fuel the Buses had formed crystals. The fuel gels and the engine won’t start – life-threatening at temperatures of Minus 23 degrees, and far beneath it.
Since the weekend, came in Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, and Minnesota because of the cold, people died. In Minneapolis the Thermometer showed in the Morning, minus 31 degrees. An icy Wind comes.
The Governor of Illinois, Jay Robert Injection, warns to leave the house: “Even if one is exposed to this weather, it can be dangerous,” he says.
No packages
In the Midwest and on the East coast remain closed schools. The Post driving in some States, no packets and brochures. The offices of the government are tight. Flights are being cancelled and the railway company AmTrak has set all the Connections to Chicago.
The police and the churches in the city have opened their doors for people who seek refuge.
The Middle West of the USA is covered by a cold wave, with the South pole temperatures. The people in Chicago, in the state of Illinois would have to be set to record temperatures of minus 33 degrees Celsius – colder than Parts of Antarctica, hens said CNN meteorologist Dave.
also, anyone who has a roof over their head, keep warm: The local power company in Minnesota has prompted owners to gas heaters, to reduce the thermostat to 16 degrees room temperature. The concern is that the gas is in these icy days.
Who remains at home, can only hope that the power goes out. As long as you can at least look at the music videos of the headmaster, announce that today the school fails again.
Life-threatening temperatures in the Midwest of the USA
T. Teichmann, ARD Washington
31.01.2019 17:42 PM
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minus degrees in the USA: Colder than the Antarctic, 31.01.2019 Atlas |USA |Washington D. C.