The AfD has. in four Eastern States after the local elections there is not enough staff for the mandates she has won To how many cases it is exactly, is not yet clear.
After the local elections, the AfD is unable to fill in four of the five Eastern German länder, all of their seats in the cities and local councils. To Saxony, there is also in Thuringia, Saxony-Anhalt and Brandenburg to little candidate for the obtained mandates.
Of Thuringia, the AfD had so far, four municipalities in which the number of candidates is not sufficient for the seats, a spokesman said. According to the national Association of AfD seats in Arnstadt (Ilm-Kreis), Bleicherode (Kreis Nordhausen), Bad Salzungen and Wutha-Farnroda (both wartburgkreis) remain empty. “We have reckoned, because we have submitted in some regions, short lists,” said the spokesman.
the seats remain unfilled
in Saxony-Anhalt, had said the party in individual cases, more seats in the councils won, as you could occupy with candidates, country Manager Martin Reichardt. How many cases of it are exactly, is not yet known. The published results of the election that is affected, for example, Aschersleben. In the city Council of the AfD to five seats, but there was only one candidate. Four seats remain vacant. According to the national election Board, there is no Overview for the whole country, where such cases are yet to occur.