Nancy Pelosi (78) was on Thursday elected as the leader of the house of Representatives for the second time. It makes her America’s most powerful woman.

Pelosi had enlisted once before (from 2007-2011), and is the first person in history who has been the leader of the house of Representatives in the two periods. She is also the only woman who has had enlisted.

Pelosi, originally from Baltimore, represents the Democrats in Congress.

The american people have demanded a new start, ” said Pelosi as she held his tiltredelsestale. She advocated that the assembly must fight for the middle class in a fair and financially sound manner, and at the same time safeguard health and sosialhjelpsordninger. She also wants an increased focus on measures against global warming.

the BBC refer to Pelosi as the woman Republicans love to hate.

– Feel me respected

Pelosis full name is Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi. Her father, Thomas D’Alesandro Jr. was the congressman for the Democrats, and the mayor of Baltimore. So she got the policy closest to the inn with morsmelka.

Already in his youth she was engaged in politics.

Nancy Pelosi put talerekord in the house of Representatives

the Newspaper has previously referred to Pelosi as a divisive figure who evokes an unusual amount of resentment among his political opponents. As the Democratic most powerful she has become a kind of hate-figures for a variety of conservative and a sort of caricature of the “liberal kysteliten”.

I have my own public role, and is very confident of the support that I have around the country. If the Republicans want to use 100 million dollars to criticize and demonisere me, I must be pretty important, ” she said in a portrait of the New York Times in the fall.

– I do not feel that I am hated, but I feel I am respected. People would not have been for me if I were not effective, ” says Pelosi in a large portrettintervju with Elle, published on Thursday.

the Relationship to the Trump

By Donald Trump, she has among other things been given the nicknames “High Tax, High Crime Nancy Pelosi” and “MS-13 Laws Nancy Pelosi”.

In the past, however, she had a solid hold on president Donald Trump. The united STATES, which is currently in a “shutdown”. Uenighetens source is pengebevilgningen (40 billion) to a grensemur that Trump strongly want.

Here has Pelosi been grueling: It is not to talk about that Trump will get the money to build a wall on the border with Mexico. She should have called Trumps engagement around the issue for “a mannegreie”.

There was a comment made in private. I would not say that to the press, but I have read it in newspapers around the world. I was only trying to put into words the challenge we face. Border security is important, but a wall is, in my opinion, a immortality. It is the least effective way to protect the border, and, not least, the most costly, ” says Pelosi to Elle.

According to CNN has Pelosi called Trumps wall, the “wasted money”.

– He has one for her

On kommentatorplass writes the Washington Post that Donald Trump seems to have a sense for Pelosi.

Trump tend not to hold back. But it seems as if he doesn’t have one bad word to say about it, he usually considers that the party’s greatest villain, writes the newspaper.

Where they add among other things, that Trump has cheered on Pelosi on the road to becoming the leader of the house of Representatives, plus the fact that he in the past has stated that the two have a great relationship. He repeated his praise when he commented Pelosis new positions Thursday:

– Hopefully we will work together a lot and get a lot done. I think this is a little different than people think, ” says Trump.

Friday continues probably the negotiations to end the shut-down in the united STATES. But Pelosi is just as hard on her, according to CNN.

– We’re not going to build a wall. Is anyone in any doubt about it? We’re not going to build any wall.

Private is Nancy Pelosi, incidentally, married to Paul Frank Pelosi. They live in San Francisco, California and have five adult children.

She will challenge Donald Trump in 2020