“Low education increases the risk for suicide”
“the average life expectancy is increasing in Sweden – but still there are large differences in health between different groups. Suicide is more than twice as common among low-skilled workers as among those with higher education, writes Folkhälsomyndigheten in its annual report.”
“the Report points to several bright spots: During the 2006-2017 increased life expectancy by an average of 1.6 years and was in the year 2017 80,7 years for men and 84.1 years for women. The proportion of daily smokers in the population is seven percent, which is a reduction by half since 2006.”
“But there are still differences between gender and socio-economic groups. Obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and suicide is more common among people with only compulsory school education. These also have a greater risk of infectious diseases.”
“Folkhälsomyndigheten want to see political decisions to counter the hälsoklyftorna.”