“M see no drama in the KD-information on SD”
“the Christian democratic party opens the door for negotiations with the SD in the individual issues, including migration.”
“the Conservatives say they do not see any drama in KD’s vengeance.”
“Careful and prudent, think of the SD.”
“Minister of finance Magdalena Andersson (S) do not agree again in the critique:”
“– If one starts in the large, in the history of Europe, so we know that it is when the established right to transmit far-right extremism as it goes really bad. It is a step in the direction in which the Ebba Busch Thor has taken today.”
“the Conservatives say that M talks with all parties, but that it was not possible to negotiate with SD, and to adjust and compromise on the M-proposal. But no actual drama with KD’s announcement does not see M, according to the group leader mr Tobias Billström.”
“– We do not intend to isolate the SD or pretend that their constituents do not exist. There is a need to justify and explain the proposal for the SD’s members, we do it, but we do not provide SD influence over the policy proposals that we choose to operate and we adapt to them, not after SD. We share neither the values or political orientations, and we see no reason to give us the check in the negotiations, says Billström to the TT.”
“KD’s national executive and the party leader Ebba Busch Thor beats now settled that the party should be able to talk with all the parliamentary parties, including The sweden democrats and the Left party, to seek the support of the various sakpolitiska questions. It is basically the same line as the last Moderatledaren Anna Kinberg Batra tried to lay out for the M in January 2017.”
“The new KD line is a result of the situation in the parliament and januariavtalet between the government’s and the MP and their co-operation parties (C and L, according to Busch Thor.”
“We will continue to have a very close cooperation with the Moderates and like to have a close collaboration again with the Centre party and the Liberals, but it is a different situation now when C and L are allies to the government and shall have a full-scale budgetary cooperation with the government,” says KD-leader to the TT.”
“emergency Preparedness must be according to Busch Thor is that for the effectiveness of the KD:s of politics by other, even SD and V, in the parliamentary committees. However, there are clear limits for the KD looks in front of him, according to the party leader.”
“– It must be the individual sakpolitiska issues, it is not far-reaching, major political alliances, and it must be in line with our values and the policies we promised to voters to implement.”
TT: It is not the budgetary cooperation, for example?”
” No, and government we want to form with the bourgeois parties. If they want to.”
“Negotiations are possible in all areas, including migration. So far KD has had talks with SD and V in committees on initiatives for converts and tolkstöd.”
“A single question that can be current soon is the processing of the signalling systems for the railway.”
“– It sounds not so exciting, but it can have an impact on 30 billion. Where it is very possible that the V, SD, KD and M could end up in the same position. a that C and L in the past has been that we have approached.”
“KD’s new approach does not mean that the party should be included in any new political bloc. And to have SD or V as a partner of governments is out of the question, according to Busch Thor.”
“the SD leader Jimmie Åkesson writes in a comment to Busch Thor and KD resonate”
“Centerledaren Annie Lööf has a completely different opinion. “
“the Moderates want to wait with the comments, but the Liberal party leader, calls the ruling sad.”
“– the Probability is great that it is the first step towards the conservative block that Jimmie Åkesson dream about, ” says Jan Björklund.”
“KD’s new line to negotiate with all in the parliament, also SD and V, are derived from:” ”
“That, in all the modes stand for the christian values and seek support for the KD-policies”
“To have a close cooperation with the Conservatives”
“as soon as, if it is possible, re-establish cooperation with the C and L and form a government with M, C and L.”
“To talk with all the parliamentary parties to reach consensus on individual policy issues that underpin the policies of the KD stands for.”