Malta’s government is due to the investigations in the case of the murdered journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia is increasingly under pressure.

The past week arrested a prominent businessman Yorgen Fenech, offered on Thursday to disclose information, which would be shared with the persons from the environment of the Prime Minister Joseph Muscat in a relationship.

it was among other Ex-chief of staff Keith Schembri, Ex-tourism Minister Konrad Mizzi and Minister for the economy Chris Cardona. As consideration Fenech calls for his pardon. He submitted to a court corresponding to President George Vella addressed the request.


Fenechs lawyers underlined, Muscat should not be in the decision on the mercy petition, because he “could count the people who may have an interest in ensuring that such a pardon will not be granted”.

Two with the investigation, people familiar said that Fenech got to the police Ex-chief Keith Schembri as the mastermind of the murder accused. The Cabinet held a crisis meeting.

Schembri was released under the police custody. He has issued since his arrest, no statement, but prior to that, any involvement in the case, rejected. Muscat is friends with Schembri.

journalist reported on corruption

in Malta, well-known journalist Galizia had extensively reported on corruption and had been killed in the Explosion of a car bomb in October 2017. Shortly thereafter, three Suspects were arrested, the men behind the but remained first in the dark.

From the Opposition Calls for Muscat’s resignation, according to. The murder case has raised doubts about the rule of law on the Mediterranean island. The EU Parliament is sending a Delegation in the smallest EU country, to investigate the development. (chk/sda)

Created: 29.11.2019, 03:41 PM