the Court in Glostrup has today jailed a 22-year-old man in four weeks. He is charged for attempted manslaughter for new year’s eve.

The young man was, according to the charges, to have stuck out after a 33-year-old man with a knife and hit him in the neck, as the victim in a period was in mortal danger. The men had come up and argue over each other’s driving.

It tells the prosecutor, Samra Asghar, after grundlovsforhøret Saturday to Ekstra Bladet.

– the Aggrieved had with his wife on the passenger seat filled at OK-benzin in Hvidovre. Since he will run out again, according to him, a second car running up so close to him, he gets scared and worked up. He felt that the car was trying to harm them, explains Samra Asghar.

After the incident both drivers so agitated, that it ends up in quarrel and scuffle.

– There arises the trouble and the men begin to quarrel. Injured admitted in court that he struck the 22-year-old man in the head with a punched.

And it is here that, according to the prosecutor’s being serious.

According to the charges draws the 22-year-old man a knife, and hit the victim in the neck, so that there is pulsblødninger, which brings the victim in mortal danger. The injured man was later sent to the hospital. He is no longer in mortal danger.

– the Accused explained in court that he was so afraid after the battle, that he acted in self-defense, explains the prosecutor to Ekstra Bladet.

the Prosecutor had requested four weeks of custody, and the judge agreed with this.

The 22-year-old man has been wanted from the 31.december, but told himself Friday 4. January with his defender.