“Many young people are still a large part of the day”

“Children and young people are sitting or standing still during the greater part of their waking time, according to a new study from the Folkhälsomyndigheten.”

“– That the physical inactivity is so high is cause for concern, ” says project manager Marita Friberg.”

“Folkhälsomyndigheten releases every four years, the report Schoolchildren’s health habits.”

“In this study of more than 800 students aged 11, 13 and 15 years were able to estimate their physical activity during the past week. New for this year was that participants were also offered the opportunity to wear a aktivitetsmätare that records their activity level during the daytime for a week.”

“– With the help of aktivitetsmätare, we have been able to study the idle time much better, which we have not been able to do previously, ” says Marita Friberg, who is the project manager for Folkhälsomyndighetens study.”

“the Study shows that the participants were only physically active – engaging in an activity that gave an increased pulse and breathing rate – ten percent of the time. 20% of the time was devoted to low-intensity activities, with an effort equivalent to a leisurely walk.”

“a Full 70 percent of the time could be classed as lågaktiv – thus, where the participants were awake, and sat, halvlåg or stood still. The figures looked roughly the same no matter if it was school time, leisure, or weekend.”

“– It is surprisingly very. We thought that figure would be lower and they would spent more time doing low-intensity activities, ” says Marita Friberg.”

“the number rises with age, study shows. 11-year-olds were physically inactive 67% of the time, while a full 75 percent of the time were classed as inactive for the 15-year-olds. Total was also the boys in the study more active than girls.”

“With the help of the survey could the study show a link between physical activity and perceived good overall health. The boys and girls themselves, who rated their health as good were more physically active than those who rated their health as poor.”

“In the same way there was a connection in the issue of school stress can. The children and young people who stated that they feel stressed over school, were less physically active than those who do not feel any such stress.”

“– however, It is not to determine what is cause and effect based on a single examination, for it requires repeated measurements. It is quite clear that there is a connection between movement and health, ” says Marita Friberg.”

“What do children and young people to sit or stand still in such a high grade not responding to the study. Increased skärmtid is a reasonable explanation, ” says Marita Friberg.”

” We shall continue to look at this data and try to discern what the children do during their inactive period of time.”

“Corrected: In an earlier version of the text was indicated wrong range of the survey, and also wrong about the link between stress and physical activity.”

“the Study was conducted in the spring of 2018, and the participants are school students from 20 randomly selected schools. Total attended 825 students from the 39 school children aged 11, 13 and 15 years.”

“the Participants have self estimated their physical activity and health, a questionnaire, and then carried a aktivitetsmätare in a week. 378 participants submitted complete data on both the aktivitetsmätare and survey.”

“Source: Folkhälsomyndigheten”