The 25-year-old Martin Åberg, who is the store manager for an Ica superstore in the Swedish city of Växjö, got a serious fright when he was on Monday snatched a 16-year-old butikstyv in the act. The 16-year-old had just stolen an energy drink of the mark Nocco.

The young butikstyv knew, however, that Martin had been right behind him when he made the theft and tried to take energidrikken out of the store without paying.

It writes several Swedish media, including Expressen and Smålandsposten

Just below is a picture of Martin Åberg on the Icas Facebook, where he is commended for having been instrumental in helping to make the Ica a success.

(the article continues under the picture)

– I would really just talk to him and ask him why he had not paid for the energidrikken. But he began immediately to raise his voice. I experienced him as very threatening, says Martin Åberg, and adds:

– I asked him to show a receipt for the purchase, but I knew in advance, that he had not paid for it.

Shortly after broke hell loose.

One of Martin’s colleagues perceived the threatening atmosphere and came to support him. And when Martin took out his mobile phone up to call Securitas, tried the 16-year-old to escape.

When he began to run, I ran after and got in the way for him, and then we got him down on the floor. And in the same second lunged suddenly ca. 40 young people into the store, there began to shout and scream, telling Martin and tells that the young people were angry that Martin had caught the 16-year-old burglar.

They began to threaten to kill me. It was totally sick. It was like a circus, ” explains Martin.

The large group of young people came, however, never in direct confrontation with Martin, because another colleague immediately pressed an alarm at the cash register. It got the young people to escape. Shortly after appeared in both the police and the people from Securitas, up to the Ica supermarket.

Martin Åberg tells also, according to the Smålandsposten that he in the previous week also grabbed a butikstyv. But only a few days after he was vilified on social media, where someone had posted pictures of him.

I fit just my job as a store manager and also trying to stop shoplifters. And then I hung out in the social media. It is in no way okay, ” says Martin.

In Denmark we have also had problems with young thieves who ravage the stores. You can read about here:

the 112 – 26. oct. 2017 – at. 14:11 Twenty-gang ravaging the supermarket: Now gave the paw to the head broke the law