“May depart – if brexitavtalet accepted”

“the British prime minister, Theresa May, will resign her utträdesavtal go through,” she says at a meeting with conservative members.”

“the News has done several in the party fluctuated, and endorses the May – but not vågmästaren DUP.”

“– She will not remain at his post for the next phase in the negotiations, said the conservative mp James Cartlidge after the meeting, according to The Guardian.”

“More present colleagues in the meeting room for the so-called 1922 committee, where all Toryledamöter included, confirmed the news, and then came an official confirmation from Downing street.”

“Any date for when she intends to step down was not specified, but several conservative described that they got the feeling that this is likely to happen quite soon if the contract goes through.”

“How many members she has won over with his drastic decision is unclear. Uk’s The Times reports that the 40, while the BBC indicates that the number is almost 25.”

“One is, in all cases, the so-called brexitören Boris Johnson. Even the prominent brexitförespråkaren Jacob Rees-Mogg seems to support the May – under the condition that the northern ireland party, the DUP is on the ball or lay down their votes.”

“But the DUP, which holds a kind of position, and normally gives Theresa Mays conservative majority in the house, turn not. This is because the border issue between northern Ireland and Ireland has not changed.”

“A new prime minister will be appointed after the 22 may – Mays agreement gets approved – claim her staff. In a statement, informs Downing street that the Conservative party will develop a timetable for the electoral process. May will remain at his post until her successor has been appointed, reports the Reuters news agency.”

“The former health minister Steve Brine, who resigned this week, saying that there was a great deal of respect for Theresa May at the meeting.”

“As always with Theresa May as she puts the country first,” he says to the BBC.”

“the Other members describe the century as the best they’ve heard someone keep before the committee.”

“at the same time as Mays information came debated by the house of commons ahead of the vote on a number of guiding alternative brexitförslag.”

“Born October 1, 1956. The leader of the Conservative party and prime minister since 2016.”

“After studying at Oxford, worked for Theresa May as the financial advisor. In parallel engaged, she kommunpolitiken in Merton in south London.”

“After two attempts was May 1997 elected to the british house of commons. She has since been re-elected in every elections.”

“May was appointed party secretary in 2002, but then she criticized their own party at a party congress, she was of the record.”

“After the 2010 election, when David Cameron formed a coalition government with the liberal democrats, became the May minister of the interior. She received the renewed confidence of Cameron after the parliamentary elections in 2015.”

“Cameron announced in 2016 his resignation as leader of the Conservative party after the referendum on EU membership. Theresa May was elected soon to the party and then took she as prime minister.”

“Theresa May was against an EU exit, but kept a low profile during the election campaign. May promised in his role as prime minister to respect the election results.”

“May declared a new election in June 2017 against the backdrop of the ongoing brexitprocessen. The aim was that May wanted to reinforce his power in the british parliament and its position in the negotiations with the EU. But even if the Conservative party increased its votes, it lost 13 seats and lost majority in the house of commons. This meant therefore that May had a weakened position.”

“During the brexitprocessen has the prime minister’s leadership has been increasingly questioned. Several ministers have left the government, among them brexitministern, David Davis, and the foreign minister, Boris Johnson. The leader of the opposition Labour left 2019 in a vote of no confidence against the government, but a majority in the parliament chose to support May.”

“Theresa May, grew up in a prästhem and is regarded as a liberal on social issues. She commented, for example, in the early of same-sex marriage and has promised to work to reduce inequalities in british society. But she has voted against the right for homosexuals to adopt, and is for a limitation of immigration to the Uk.”

“Source: Nationalencyklopedin”