“May: Pakistan must act against terrorists,”

“The pakistani government must take action against the terrorist group in the country, inskärpte the British prime minister, Theresa May, in a telephone conversation with his pakistani counterpart Imran Khan.”

“the Call was followed by a visit to the indian part of Kashmir claimed 40 soldiers – an event that led to indian air raids in the pakistani part, which was answered by the neighbouring country. One of the indian plan was shot down, and the pilot was taken prisoner but was released and was handed over later.”

“Gunfire and shelling have claimed several lives since the unrest began, which has aroused the concern in the outside world that the conflict between the two nuclear-armed states are at risk to develop into a full-scale war.”

“May also stressed during the call that she appreciates Khan’s attempt to reduce tension between the countries.”

“On Sunday, the U.S. announced that the country is investigating whether Pakistan used by american fighter planes of type F-16 in the conflict, something that would violate countries’ agreements on how the aircraft may be used.”

“last Thursday showed India up what was said to be parts of a robot that can only be fired by the F-16 aircraft. According to the New Delhi used the robot when Pakistan marked against India by bombing places in the indian part of Kashmir. The objectives that were shot, however, is not populated.”