The Berlin house of representatives will probably vote in February on a possible mandatory vaccination. The FDP has prepared a request – and also in the CDU, one considers the reactions of the red-red-green coalition on the warning of the world health organization, WHO, for reckless. The WHO had recently said that opponents were one of the greatest threats to global health, because they lead to the possible eradication of measles in developed countries will be prevented. The coalition opposes mandatory vaccination.

FDP-health expert Florian Kluckert said on Sunday, vaccinations should be done with the checkups before the school age. Then the Doctors were also on the parents, which could be used for reconnaissance. In the FDP request, it says: “The Senate will be prompted for the Land of Berlin to adopt a binding legal regulation, the Vaccination of newborns and all children up to 6. Age regulates mandatory.“

as far As the CDU goes, could agree with the Christian Democrats, the FDP application yet. CDU health expert Tim-Christopher Zeelen said that measles are not a harmless children’s disease, in infants the risk of an inflammation of the brain, which could lead to death.

“leads A mostly ideologically motivated stance of Impfgegnern that the measles vaccination is boycotted, although there is a maximum of risk-free vaccination. In contrast, a Non-vaccination of children is associated with high risks. The parents endanger not only the health of your own child, but also the stranger, part of the protection of vulnerable children.“ Therefore, Berlin is in need of a vaccination for kindergarten children.

is Less than 93 percent of children vaccinated and it is necessary that 95 percent

Almost 120 Berliner Kita-carrier, the offer to approximately 45,000 seats would be organized in the joint welfare Association. There, one argues for the Vaccination, rejects a duty. “Because that would violate the principle of physical integrity, is guaranteed in the basic law,” said Dorothee Thielen, day-care consultant to the joint welfare Association. “It is important that is taken in the child and youth medical practices of the time to discuss this subject with the parents.”

Whether vaccination is the right to bodily integrity violated is unreasonable, is among lawyers, however, controversial. And also about whether compulsory vaccination and Kita-exclude the claim, arguing lawyers.

Currently, less than 93 percent of the school and are fully – twice – vaccinated against measles. For eradication of the disease for at least 95 per cent would be required. The professional Association of child and youth doctors, and the Berlin chamber of physicians President Günther Jonitz in favour of vaccination. FDP-man Kluckert pleads with Impfverweigerung for a high fine. The coalition occurs at first glance is closed against mandatory vaccination, it is to be found in the groups, but also advocates a harder line.

According to the WHO-criticism, the SPD had called for a Federal politician Karl Lauterbach, a duty. “You can of course introduce a compulsory vaccination, but the question is whether it achieves more than we do in Berlin,” said health Senator Dilek Kolat (SPD), the daily mirror. “In children with the first measles vaccination, we are with 97.2 percent is in excess of the 95 per cent, of the Elimination of this disease. A lower vaccination Coverage increased from 92.6 per cent, but in children with the recommended second vaccination.“ There they wanted to with the “Berlin measles and rubella elimination plan” closing the gaps – education and medical services. to reasoning

Left and Green: education instead of mandatory vaccination

“Instead of a mandatory vaccination for daycare children, which legally is not likely to be enforce and, moreover, the epidemiologist would be logical to be of dubious value, and their own children are vaccinated,” said Wolfgang Albers (Left). More important than the recurring debate attentive to children – and family doctors were to eliminate all of the concerns of the parents are competent.

“We don’t need vaccination, because of Berlin’s parents are not impfmüde per se,” said Catherina Pieroth (Green). “We need to continue to invest in Information and education about the benefits of vaccination and regularly to the vaccination status follow up, thus, vaccinations are not forgotten.” It is Central that the public health service will be strengthened. As reported, nearly 80 of the 350 Physician in the prevention of responsible public health offices vacant.

measles must be reported by practices, clinics, hospitals and company doctors. In Berlin, the number of cases declined, according to the state office for health and social Affairs, as last; 69 in the year 2017, 30 in 2018. In the first three weeks of this year there were two infection cases. However, measles outbreaks are difficult to predict. Four years ago there was in Berlin a measles wave, with around 1400 cases, and an 18-month-old deaths.

More about

a Minimum of 1400 cases in Berlin measles-wave sloshes back

Hannes Heine

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