“I execute only the commands of a single state and those of the Russian Federation.” The former, is not internationally recognized, Premier of the people’s Republic of Donetsk, Alexander Borodai, said in a phone call that was apparently bugged.

The conversation took place at the beginning of July 2014, a few months after the occupation of the Donbass by Pro-Russian separatists and the secession of the Region from Ukraine. Two weeks later, on 17. In July 2014, was shot down over the rebel territory of the Malaysian passenger plane MH-17 on the way from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was a ground-to-air missile of the Russian type BUK. The 298 passengers and crew members died.

The phone conversation with Alexander Borodai. The ultimate statement follows after 6 minutes. (Source: JIT)

In Europe, was founded in a Joint investigation team (Joint Investigation Team, JIT) under the Dutch leadership, the accused in June 2019, the four former commanders of the separatists. Now the JIT released new documents, which suggest that Moscow castle of Donetsk had been politically, financially and militarily in control of the supposedly independent rebel high – and thus also for the Downing of MH-17 is directly responsible. Investigators are now looking for witnesses who could testify to this.

How the BUK missile from Russia into Eastern Ukraine, where she was stationed and who was at the launch, and has researched the Internet portal “Bellingcat” in the past few years, meticulously, and both the Internet as well as in a Podcast published.

The JIT now wants to make but also the men behind the track. This includes hundreds of hours of conversations on the phone and over the radio were evaluated, then has been bugged, presumably by the Ukrainian secret service. There have been discussions between the commanders of the separatists and the troops, but also between the then self-appointed Prime Borodai, and his defence Minister Igor Girkin, nicknamed “Strelkov” (the shooter).

For both of them life was passing, the sweetness in Donetsk soon after the shooting down of MH-17. Moscow apparently had enough of their ineptitude. In a telephone conversation in mid-August 2014, Strelkov tells his Premier, that you are both restored to “staff”: “Everything will change here. We are rich farmers, we are poor beggars on the street.” A short time later, both leave the Donbass area in the direction of Moscow.

In another conversation, a separatist commander confirmed one of the other commanders that they would both follow commands from Moscow: “We get the orders from the FSB. And of the GRU.” The FSB is Russia’s domestic intelligence service, the GRU, the military intelligence service. The financing of the separatists, comes from Moscow. Sometimes they complain that they wait too long to money.

Russia denied any involvement

The JIT now wants to know who decided in the Russian Federation on the composition of the separatist government in 2014. In the wiretapped conversations, the Name of the Russian defense Minister is called, Sergei Shoigu. The JIT wants to know, what is the role of Shoigu and other representatives of the Kremlin played in the planning and execution of military operations in Eastern Ukraine in 2014. Should report to actually witness, so the JIT provides them with assistance and protection.

The Russian government has denied claims that continue to be vigorously any involvement in the shooting down of the Malaysian machine. In the summer, a documentary appeared to be a former journalist of the propaganda channel RT, in which the JIT is accused of ignoring all the exculpatory statements in favor of Russia. Furthermore, the wiretapped conversations, in retrospect, had been tampered with.

Created: 14.11.2019, 14:23 PM