“More can vote in the EUROPEAN elections”

“the voter Turnout in the Swedish EU elections tends to be significantly lower than in the general election. But maybe this is a change in the time, shows a Sifoundersökning as the news site Europa made.”

“more than 70 per cent respond that they probably or definitely will vote in the EUROPEAN elections on may 26. It can be compared with February 2014, before the last EUROPEAN elections, when the corresponding figure was 53 percent. The actual turnout landed then at 51 per cent.”

“– the Numbers suggest that there is a clearly increased interest in the EUROPEAN elections compared with 2014, says Toivo Sjörén, opinionschef at Sifo to the Europa website.”

“The greatest change between 2014 and 2019, the proportion who say they definitely will vote has increased from 24 to 42 per cent between the two valåren.”

“more than 1,500 people included in the survey, which was conducted during the period 20-25 February.”