“The more difficult trials of kalkbrytning expected”

“the limestone quarrying in the ojnare forest on Gotland is stopped for good after a long-lasting court proceedings, but now waiting for more severe trials if kalkbrytning on the island, reports the SVT the East.”

“Cementa has applied to expand its kalktäkt at Fidehajdar, Nordkalk want to expand their existing quarry at Klinthagen and SMA Mineral want to expand their stentäkt in Klintehamn.”

“Even in such cases, vattenpåverkan be up to date. In the case of the ojnare forest, it was grundvattenfrågan determined. It means that more lawsuits can be expected, according to the county administrative board on Gotland.”

“– We must of course hope, that these processes that the boys will not be as lengthy. This has taken exceptionally long time and used many resources, not only for us on the county board, but for all parties, ” says Anna-Lena Fritz, head of unit at the county administrative board of Gotland to the Swedish television SVT.”