At the end of December 2021, recipients of housing benefit in Hamburg were able to cover an average of 38 percent of their rental expenses with the subsidy. A total of 12,045 Hamburg households received housing benefit last year, as reported by the North Statistics Office on Thursday.

At the end of December 2021, these households paid an average of 589 euros in rent, with support amounting to 224 euros each. According to its own information, the Association of North German Housing Companies (VNW) assumes that so far only one in three households entitled to housing benefit will actually receive it.

According to the statistics office, affected households spent an average of 30 percent of their total household income on rent with the help of housing benefit payments. Without the support, that percentage would have been nearly half (49 percent) of their income, it said. The office also announced that particularly large households with six or more people would benefit from the subsidy. They could use the housing benefit to pay 51 percent of their rental costs, it said.

VNW Director Andreas Breitner criticized that several thousand households had a claim but had not been informed. “It has to change urgently,” he said. The housing allowance must be “more flexible, digital and broader”. With the help of the tax offices, it could in future be determined unbureaucratically who is entitled. Public services could then be paid out directly using the tax identification number.

According to Breitner, the 2022 Annual Tax Act provides for the creation of the necessary legal basis. He also said that the housing benefit must be adjusted to the annual price and wage development.

Housing benefit is a government benefit for people on low incomes. They can receive housing benefit as a rent subsidy or for borrowing costs for owner-occupied housing.