The slogan sounds innocuous: “Cozy home in a unique neighbourhood”. But this comfort there is not entirely in vain. In the houses on zollikerstrasse 19 to 23, the cross-space, a cost of a four-room apartment between 4100 and 4400 francs. Starting in August, the 35 apartments are available for reference. Currently, the owner, the pension Fund of the Zürcher Kantonalbank (ZKB), the old buildings to renovate.

Before the renovation the tenants paid by tenants about 1700 francs for a similar size apartment. The prices have doubled at least. As “very likely to be abusive” Walter Angst, a spokesman for the Zurich tenants ‘ Council indoor Association and AL -, of this increase. “With the expenses for renovation or other investments you can’t explain,” says fear. The Swiss law prohibits a “translated income from the leased property”. The calculations were in this case not simply because floor plans had been changed. “But, presumably, these prices are before the court.”

the Hirer can not complain. For this he needs of future residents. Only the landlord had the right to challenge the initial rent legally, says Walter fear. “After renovations, such disputes are very rare. The tenant of this possibility are not aware of.”

as expensive as the Quartier

The ZKB-press office justified the new Hire with a “modern standard” by the “total renovation”. “The new and contemporary apartments in any way with the old to compare.” The Rents were also the “usual in the market”, you would be exactly at the average value of the circle is 8.

All of the previous tenants had to leave their homes. In the meantime, all had found new accommodation, usually in a different part of the city tells a woman who has long lived on the Zollikerstrasse. Only a few would have been able to remain in the area, some had to leave the city. The pension Fund of ZKB granted to the ancient inhabitants of a pre-ietrecht for the renovated apartments. Originally, many would want to Zollikerstrasse return, tells the Ex-resident. “But this desire has not been necessary with the high Rents.”

According to ZKB, it is still too early to make statements about the future tenants. The marketing have only recently begun. Walter fear says, “to do apartments in this price segment little with the usual Places”. He doubt that, in the renovated houses of the people would move, in the longer term, in the quarters. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 10.04.2019, 12:53 PM