SPD-Boss Nahles after the Board exam with good marks, also of the SPD-members, who criticize you often. Some parts of the welfare state concept it wishes to implement in this legislature.

SPD Leader Andrea Nahles springs easy shoes on her white, thick-soled sneakers. It has warps in the Willy-Brandt-house, the Statue of its namesake, as she put her mouth to a wide Smile. Nahles, it was significantly worse than after this Board meeting, which she describes as: “the Unanimous decisions, in a good mood, so it can go further, and I think this is also an important Signal that we come up with the momentum in this important political year 2019.”

Good grades and a lot of fun

The SPD is for the factions known. This time Nahles even gets high marks from two of the otherwise hold your criticism rarely behind the mountain. Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel, Vice-Chairman, admits to the Boss that you pacified only a conflict, but, above all, an answer for the future, and many had previously failed. “It makes you certainly be self-confident, also gives her strength in a difficult time.“

Kevin Kühnert, Juso-chief, is similarly pleased: “We have, I think, a really good week, and have shown how easy and fun it can be to work politically, if you have something to announce.”

the SPD had Announced Head before a whole lot of: Hartz IV, which belong to the eternal “social state wound” of the SPD in the Schröder-time, to the past. Instead, the SPD-wants to enforce a civil money amount, but with less penalties. The minimum wage should be at least 12 euros.

Who has to work longer, is also intended to refer to longer unemployment benefit I before the attacks. Assets and housing should no longer be protected, lead to a basic pension for low earners more justice in the age.