At. 15.30 yesterday afternoon published we article Naked women take against mink AND invited readers to even send a picture, where they show that they would rather go naked than go with the coat?

Dina volunteered as the first naked reading. 16.14 with the words:
– Vision’it is so terrible, it is being done to the poor animals and would very much like to support the fact that it will be stopped..

And it makes Dina so with this Kira Eggers-photo:

At. 19.04 sent Lina this photo taken by Søren, the

Lina writes that she would rather than like to show skin in order to support up around it to be against fur:

– It is despicable! If I could do something to get pelsavlere to stop to breed and have their fur, I would do everything that was in my power. I eat ONLY organic meat from animals that have not been transported. Dyrepoliti NOW!

Zero naked men
Strangely enough, is there not come some nudes from male readers. If it’s because they dare not show their skin, or whether they are indifferent with the fur, is hard to say, but the third and last pelsprotest-photo ticked. 23.39. It was Anne who writes.

– Fur? So rather naked. the

Dina (her on the first photo) says that she probably will find more naked pelsprotestanter, but you have an idea of why it is only women that send pictures?

Send picture here. You must reckon with the fact that we use it in both the newspaper and here on the page