With an angry outburst, the Chairman of the US house of representatives, Nancy Pelosi has responded to a journalist’s question. She wanted to leave, according to a press statement from the Podium when a Reporter nachrief the question of whether the President hate. She turned, headed to the journalists, gestured, and said: she would not tolerate such accusations, you don’t hate anyone.

she returned angrily to the lectern and said: “The President was a coward in the fight against gun violence, he was graumsam in dealing with the paperless immigrants, and he’s denying climate change. To be confronted in the next elections. At the Moment, but to the Constitution of the United States and the abuse of office of the President.”

you don’t hate anyone. As a Catholic, you reject it, that someone will make a set of you that think the word “hate” strut. “Don’t mess with me when it comes to such words. I always pray for the President.” The fact Nancy Pelosi left the room.

Trump responded immediately on Twitter: “Nancy Pelosi just had a freak out. She says she will pray for the President. I believe her not one bit.”


Created: 06.12.2019, 03:40 PM