When stortingspolitiker Mazyar Keshvari (Frp) in the weekend was arrested and charged with serious threats, it was also seized several weapons in the residence his. It gives police sources to the Newspaper.

It was VG who first publicized the case. According to the newspaper involving threats Keshvari is charged with use of weapons.

Threats to have been made against a woman who was in the residence along with stortingspolitikeren. Earlier this week, it became known that the persons charged in the case have been subjected to visitation.

Keshvari says: – Charged with aggravated threats with weapons Rejects Russian roulette

VG reported Monday that the offended person in a case will have experienced it as that Keshvari engaging in a form of “Russian roulette” with a handgun.”

the Newspaper, and a variety of media to render the description of “Russian roulette”. Sources with good knowledge of the investigation believes, however, that to describe it as should have been done, “Russian roulette” is highly misleading, even if it is not contested that the weapons have been involved on a show.

SAYS: the Police says that they have arrested a stortingspolitiker and charged the person for the exercise of serious threats. Dagbladet is familiar with that it is about the profiled Frp-politician Mazyar Keshvari. Video: Marie Røssland. Photo: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet Show more

Dagbladet is aware that the Keshvari had access to several firearms, and that he, according to the online leaderboards from shooting competitions has been a member of the Academic shooting club which is located at Ekeberg in Oslo.

– We are a sports team, and can not speak to us about individuals ‘private affairs in the media,” says Nadia Skauli, chairman of the Academic shooting club, to Dagbladet.

No bekymringsmelding

She discloses, however, that the board of directors of skytterlaget not have received raising your concerns about some of its members.

– On a completely general basis I can say that the board of directors of skytterlaget has not received any raising your concerns about the members, and they follow the strict rules in connection with our sports.

Police confiscated several weapons

Thus is a natural inference that the club never got any raising your concerns about Keshvari.

Still, on a general basis I can say that we relate to Norway’s sports federations, Norges skytterforbund and The voluntary Skyttervesens articles of association, and we have a good cooperation with the police and when it is needed, ” says Skauli.

Will not comment the

Keshvari was arrested at the weekend and kept in the politiarrest until Sunday evening. He is charged with violation of penal code section 264 and 263, and the indictment applies to serious threats, with a sentence of three years in prison.

Keshvaris defender, attorney Bjørn Stordrange, has repeatedly stated that he is not going to do not want to comment on the case to the Newspaper, beyond that, he confirms that the Keshvari not acknowledge straffskyld after the indictment.

Frp: – the indictment against Keshvari is very serious