May launch the new chat feature is already in this week on the social media, Facebook, writes TechCrunch.

The new feature will be web-based, so you do not need to install additional software to chat with your friends. When you log into Facebook, the service is already integrated.

Nearest MSN-monopoly
so far, Microsoft’s MSN has been largely synonymous with the primacy of the messenger service, but now there is an obvious alternative for the more than 60 million Facebook users around the world. It can pose a threat for msn?

– No, so great is Facebook not at home. Many chatter also in firms, where Microsoft is traditionally strong, ” says chief analyst Brian Troelsen at it market research firm IDC to

No produktforskel
He also can not immediately see any big difference in the products.

– They meet the both the very basic needs of chatting, then Facebook’s success with the service depends on how well it is integrated, ” says Brian Troelsen.

Inside at TechCrunch, there is 100 enthusiastic comments in the wake of the news about Facebook’s upcoming chat service. What about you? Can you see yourself change MSN out with the feature on Facebook? Enter your comment below.