the Company is interested in land around Fagerhult and Skinberga, areas where there had previously been attempts to find the precious metal. Just a few miles north, in Ädelfors, tourists can try gold panning and where also was Sweden’s first gold mine, which was closed down in 1889.

the Company now wish to identify several thousand acres of land in search of minerals and has submitted an application for exploration permits to the authority of the mining inspectorate of sweden.

but the company is mainly said to be interested in is cobalt, and lead, according to Anders Jakobsson at the mining inspectorate of sweden, which points out that there is still many steps before the company can begin to look deposits.

– Get the permission the next step is to develop a work plan on how, when, and where the surveys shall be done, ” he says to the Barometer.

If there are enough minerals to be able to consider commercial break also remains to be seen. The decision on the permit is taken later in January.