Pjæk and again, and again.

Henrik Sass Larsen has in another instance been notable by its absence from the public accounts committee. A post, which each year earns him 330.000 dollars on top of Folketingsgagen.

Ekstra Bladet can today reveal that Henrik Sass was absent from an important mission, where the public accounts committee d. 21 and 22. november last year, visited Luxembourg and Brussels. Among other things, to gain insight into the EU’s control and audit institutions.

But Sass blew on Statsrevisor-work and was at home.

instead, the sad, The strong, the dean and statsrevisor in a tv-studio on TV2 News and talking with Søren Pind on social media with Pinds former spin doctor. It is apparent from Radio 24Syvs coverage, the radio reporter tried to catch the Sass d. 21. While flew the rest of the total Statsrevisor-college of place on the arbejdsrejsen.

Ekstra Bladet learns that the journey to Luxembourg already started at. 8.35 in the morning from Copenhagen Airport, where Statsrevisorernes president, Henrik Hertzberg, and the other four accountants came on board at Luxair-plane to lilleputlandet.

Up the day participated Henrik Sass Larsen in the filming of the tv programme ‘Stick & Sass’, which was sent the same evening.

Henrik Sass Larsen in relation to the revelations of his truancy from the public accounts committee otherwise claimed to just travel is important to show up to.

– We have regular meetings. Those are expected to come to. 11 about the year. Then we have inspection trips, as it is expected to get to, said Henrik Sass Larsen, en Ekstra Bladet confronted him about his absence two weeks ago.

Ekstra Bladet has tried to get a comment from the chairman of the public accounts committee, Henrik Thorup, to the type of travel, as Henrik Sass Larsen.

Statsrevisorernes secretary will provide to Ekstra Bladet, that the auditors sometimes have the so-called inspection trips, which among other things can go to developing countries to see whether the Danish foreign aid has the desired effect. But that they can also go to the EU, where the auditors can gain insight into the control and audit systems.

the Extra Leaf has previously revealed that Henrik Sass last year was absent in four out of the 11 ordinary meetings of the public accounts committee. In addition, he has in the first months also be absent in several non-regular meetings, where the other state auditors have sprung up.

These meetings have Sass, however, rejected that you need to get to.

– Then there are all those other meetings. That only comes them, as it were, as you shall designate from time to time. Expected it never, ever, to all six meetings. Typically it is those who have the best time or the ones who know the most about the area.

the Extra Leaf would like to have had a comment from Henrik Sass Larsen as to why he chose to sit in a tv studio with Søren Pind instead of participating in his work as a statsrevisor on the journey to Luxembourg and Brussels.

It has, however, despite repeated attempts, not been possible to get a comment from Henrik Sass.


also Did this the week before Henrik Sass Larsen. Photo: Jonas Olufson

Henrik Sass Larsen has so far refused to provide the country’s taxpayers some insight into what statsrevisor meetings he specifically pjækket from, and what the precise cause has been the absence.

Until now, Henrik Sass Larsen first told Extra Bladet, it was about, that he should have a better handle on its calendar. Later he has both in an interview with Ekstra Bladet, as well as on TV2’s Presselogen suggested that there were personal reasons behind absence from work in the Danish parliament’s important supervisory body.

But now, Extra Blade also lift the veil on what Henrik Sass made on the day of one of the statsrevisor meetings, as he chose to drop.

14. november last year was Henrik Sass Larsen namely absent from the regular meeting of the public accounts committee, learns ekstrabladet.

the Same day, he participated in the recordings for its TV2 News programme ‘Stick and Sass’ with the former Left-minister Søren Pind.

the public accounts committee has until now refused to publish the meetings Henrik Sass failed to appear. Statsrevisorernes secretariat has just indicated that, for this was absent in four out of 11 meetings in 2018.

Sass and the Peg was, according to Ekstra information recorded on the morning of d. 14 november in order to be sent later in the day.

A video from Radio24Syv brought on Twitter d. 14. november on the morning shows, among other things, that their political editor Brian Weichardt tried to get a comment to Sass’ controversial opinions on the convention. The clip is filmed in front of TV2’s studies in Sydhavnen in Copenhagen. And here rejects Sass 24Syv-journalist with the comment:

– you can listen to in the Stick and Sass, which are sent in the evening.


the Journey was important Photo: Thomas Boberg

There was a packed and seemingly very relevant program on the mission with the public accounts committee to Luxembourg and Brussels, as Henrik Sass Larsen dropped to the benefit of the TV2 programme, with the former Left-minister Søren Pind.

Several of the meetings on the trip had a direct correlation with some of the heavy political areas, as Henrik Sass Larsen has used gunpowder in the later years. It learns the Extra Leaf from the central sources.

At the start of the mission attended all the other state auditors, Henrik Thorup (DF), mr Klaus Frandsen (R), the Villum Christensen (LA), Frank Aaen (EL) and Britt Baker (V). They were joined by two managers from Statsrevisorernes secretariat, and a secretary from the Office of the auditor general.

21. november in Luxembourg met the Danish delegation, first with the president and the more bigots from The European Court of auditors. Here were the subjects among other things, the revision of the EU’s accounts, the future of the cap and a special report on the EU’s flygtningeaftale with Turkey.

Just the agricultural economic environment and the handling of refugees for the longest time possible from Denmark are political issues, as Henrik Sass Larsen – at least outwardly – has focused very much on.

Later in the day went to Henrik Sass Larsen to miss the meeting with the EU-the president of the court and the Danish judges in the EUROPEAN Court of justice and EU law.

the EUROPEAN court of justice has bl.a. the decision on allocation of refugees in the EU countries as well as in the field, which are termed ’velfærdsturisme’: It will, for example, other EU countries ‘ citizens the right to child allowances, cash benefits, student grants and unemployment benefits in Denmark.

In the program ’Stick & Sass’, the socialist group chairman, as you know, that Denmark had gotten messed us into all sorts of international courts, conventions and so on. It will be our job to fiddle us out of it, so we once again have dominion over it’.

22. november, Henrik Sass Larsen – also as the only statsrevisor – bl.a. miss of the meeting with Nato in Brussels. Here was in addition to a briefing on the revision of Nato’s huge budget – also more general briefings from the Danish top officials in the forsvarsalliancen. Here missed Henrik Sass Larsen, the possibility of – in the company of professionals – to discuss, for example, Israel’s admission into Nato, which he proposed last year.