raise the life of The person in charge of the “project night,” in its final report, three major challenges: noise, clearly a Club, or assigned to a Person, alcohol, the results can be enjoyed Outdoors, and according to the disinhibition, and the phenomenon of long street, where both come together in a Mass that one must “speak of a separate category”.

If the interfering noise or Littering can be assigned to a single operation, as it was in the Idaplatz or in a circle 3 already the case, find one with residents and Bars are usually within a few months a way back to a local sustainable Situation, write to the person responsible. “This is not given, and several night clubs are located in the perimeter, so the responsibility is diffused.” The same Problem arises for the police in larger numbers of people: the perpetrators do not, so it is not possible to sanction a Transgression.

alcohol is today, during 24 hours, outside the club local cheaper than inside. Also the Smoking ban is driving the consumers to the street. This “Mediterranean of the society” to disturb the neighborhood.

And then the long road: “Nowhere in the applicable law and the lived reality go so apart as it is here.” Insidiously a special enforcement practice: “In the long street area is often tolerated, what is elsewhere sanctioned in the city.”

recipes that work

In the report, a lot of compromises, from the dialogue and from the constant change of the speech. The project team, but also specific recommendations and lists of what works:

controls: , the interest of the operator of 24-hour Shops at a Workshop of the city on the topic of litter was low. Therefore, these by the handle and controlled in a next step, whether actually members of the family would work in the night, as provided for in the labour law. The labour Inspectorate admonished, warnings and verzeigte. The project team recommends that the inspections continue, which would lead to the containment of the Shops. Also, the police should mark the walk’s presence, to cry, or urinate in public to respond.

infrastructure: The experimental set up mobile urinal on the Piazza Cella on the cross street is used per week 5000 times. For comparison: Much-used Züri-WC come at 1400 to 1700 use. Therefore, the city is now seeking ways to this, and other much used sites in the summer season of mobile toilets. The waste bucket will be better placed.

Dialog: , The online platform Good-night neighborhood.ch answers questions about night life and promotes dialogue between club operators, visitors, and neighbors by providing contact information ready. Also, you have at the time of discussions between neighborhood, club operators and management to compromise and “passable” effects, achieved, recognized the project team.

Coordinated management: Three urban Offices, deal with the noise emissions of a new club: the city police, the environmental health and safety and the office for building permits. This has resulted in the operators again and again to confusion and frustration. Therefore, the procedures are coordinated and the exchange between the service departments and the Client improves.

noise: , It has become cheaper to be loud: it Was 20 years ago expensive technology is needed, so can afford today, even small Clubs with a loud, good sounding system. Also outside in the Park, equipped with mobile and portable boxes, very loud. Have developed but also the possibilities of the noise of curb: the discussion could be reduced the noise around Bars and Clubs. Best with sound-absorbing facades, such as calculations of a specialised company. Also in passages in courtyards corresponding elements in emissions can greatly reduce, which is why the technique should now be tested in pilot projects.


Created: 16.12.2018, 22:34 PM